Set up tracking for a Shopping campaign



As of October 31, 2018, only a small group of click measurement providers have been approved to measure specific ad interaction events on Google-hosted properties for Showcase Shopping ads, local inventory ads (LIA), and Model Automotive ads. To make sure your ads don't serve without measurement, the Google Ads team has paused all ad groups making third-party calls to unapproved providers. 

Unless you have authorized your account to continue running the impacted ads, previously created ads will be paused to prevent them from serving without measurement.

Learn more about measuring ad interactions on Google-hosted pages with click measurement providers

You can use dynamic tracking URLs to track the traffic coming to your website from Google Shopping. To do this, you'll need to use the ads_redirect attribute in your product data to tell us where to send your traffic. Once you've set up this attribute, a user who clicks on your ad will be taken to the location in the ads_redirect attribute instead of the ones you set in the link or mobile_link attributes. Learn more about the ads_redirect attribute

You can also use Google Ads tracking templates for your Shopping campaigns to specify additional tracking information. For example, you can add custom parameters or ValueTrack parameters to your tracking templates. 

We recommend that you use the {unescapedlpurl} ValueTrack parameter in your tracking template. ValueTrack parameters work with third-party tracking software and Google Analytics to help you fine-tune your campaigns for better performance.



The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more


How to add dynamic tracking templates to your product groups

  1. Click the Campaigns tab and select the Shopping campaign for which you'd like to create a product group tracking template.
  2. Click the Product groups tab.
  3. Click the Columns drop-down menu and select Modify columns.
  4. Click the Attributes link. Then click the Add link next to "Tracking template" and "Custom parameters." Click the Apply button.
  5. Click the pencil icon Edit in the "Tracking template" column.
  6. Click Edit and enter your tracking template in the box.
  7. Click Save.

How to add dynamic tracking templates to your Shopping campaign

  1. Click the Campaigns tab and select the campaign for which you'd like to change the tracking template.
  2. Click the Settings tab and scroll to the "Campaign URL options (Advanced)" section. Click the link.
  3. Click Edit and change your tracking template in the box.
  4. Click Save.

Examples of product group and campaign tracking templates
Here are some examples of how to use the ValueTrack parameters. In all cases, we'll refer to the 'ads redirect' attribute specified in your product data. However, if there is no 'ads redirect' attribute specified in your product data, we'll refer to the URL from the 'link' attribute.

Using redirects with your tracking templates

If you'd like to work with redirects in your tracking templates, here are some examples of how your product group and campaign tracking templates could be set up.


If your "ads redirect" attribute indicates the following URL:

and you want your URLs to serve as the following:[]=

then you can set your tracking template as follows:[]={unescapedlpurl}

Tracking templates can be defined at the account, campaign, ad group, and product group level. Learn more about tracking templates

Using custom parameters with your tracking templates

If you'd like to use custom parameters with your tracking templates, learn more about managing tracking and redirects.

Keep in mind

If you add tracking templates on multiple levels, Google Ads will use the most specific one. For example, if you have an ad group and product tracking template, the product group tracking template will be used. 
If your tracking templates include ValueTrack parameters that indicate keyword information, like the parameter {keyword}, then those parameters will be blank for Shopping ads. That's because Shopping ads use product groups and not keywords to show your ads.

Related links 

* Nguồn: Google