Use auction insights to compare performance


The Auction insights report lets you compare your performance with other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions that you are. This information can help you make strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting by showing you where you're succeeding and where you may be missing opportunities for improved performance. The Auction insights report is available for both Search and Shopping campaigns.

This article explains the statistics available in the Auction insights report, how to find the report, and how to set a filter to locate the keywords, ad groups, and campaigns that have Auction insights reports available. 

Auction insights statistics

The Auction insights report for Search campaigns provides 6 different statistics: impression share, average position, overlap rate, position above rate, top of page rate, and outranking share. You can generate a report for one or more keywords, ad groups, or campaigns (as long as they meet a minimum threshold of activity for the time period selected), and segment results by time and device.

The Auction insights report for Shopping campaigns provides 3 different statistics: impression share, overlap rate, and outranking share. You can generate a report for one or more ad groups or campaigns (as long as they meet a minimum threshold of activity for the time period selected), and segment results by time and device. Auction insights data for Shopping campaigns is available from October 2014 to present.

Descriptions of the Auction insights statistics

Average position (Search campaigns only)

Average position is a quick way to gauge how high your ads are ranking compared with those of other advertisers competing in the same auctions. Average position is the average rank of the ad in the auctions, which determines the order of the ads on the search results page.

For example, if one of the participants in your Auction insights report is showing a “5” in the Average position column, this means that participant’s ad showed, on average, in 5th place on search results pages where your ad also showed.

Impression share

Impression share is the number of impressions you received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Eligibility is based on your current ads' targeting settings, approval statuses, bids, and Quality Scores. In the Auction insights report, impression share also tells you the impression share of other advertisers as a proportion of the auctions in which you were also competing. Note that Shopping campaigns don’t use Quality Score. However, overall quality and relevance of your Shopping ads offers do factor into their eligibility. Learn more about tracking impression share.

Overlap rate

Overlap rate is how often another participant's ad received an impression when your ad also received an impression.

For example, if one of the other participants in your Auction insights report is showing “60%” in the Overlap rate column, this means that in 6 out of every 10 times your ad showed, an ad from this participant showed as well.

Position above rate (Search campaigns only)

Position above rate is how often the other participant’s ad was shown in a higher position than yours was, when both of your ads were shown at the same time.

For example, if one of the other advertisers in your Auction insights report is showing “5%” in the Position above rate column, this means that the other participant’s ad showed in a position above yours in 5 out of every 100 times your ads showed at the same time.

Top of page rate (Search campaigns only)

Top of page rate tells you how often your ad (or the ad of another participant, depending on which row you're viewing) was shown at the top of the page, above the unpaid search results.
For example, if an advertiser had 100 impressions out of which 20 impressions appear in any of the positions above the organic search results, the top of page rate will be 20%.

Absolute top of the page rate

Absolute top of the page rate tells you how often your ad (or the ad of another participant, depending on which row you're viewing) was shown at the absolute top of the page as the very first ad above the organic search results.

For example, if out of 100 impressions, an ad has 10 impressions in which it appears as the first ad above the organic search results, the absolute top of page rate will be 10%.

Outranking share

Outranking share is a percentage defined as the number of times your ad ranked higher in the auction than another participant’s ad, plus the number of times your ad showed when theirs did not, divided by the total number of ad auctions you participated in.


This report provides information on other advertisers who participated in the same auctions as you. This doesn't indicate that the other advertisers have the same advertising settings as you. The other advertisers' metrics shown are based only on instances when your ads were also estimated to be eligible to appear. This report won't reveal the actual keywords, quality, bids, or settings from your campaigns, and it won't give you insight into the same information for others.

While this information is already available by searching on Google—and many already attempt to estimate this data by scanning the ads that appear—this report will make it easier to access and understand this information. It's available to advertisers whose keywords, product groups, ad groups, and campaigns have a minimum threshold of activity.

The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

Find the Auction insights report

Auction insights data is available for Search and Shopping campaigns that meet a minimum threshold of activity. For Search campaigns, you can create a report for keywords, ad groups, and campaigns. For Shopping campaigns, you can create a report for ad groups and campaigns.

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click the Campaigns, Ad groups, or Keywords page menu based on what information you want to see in the report.
  3. Select a specific campaign, ad group, or keyword by checking the box next to each item. Note: you can only select keywords on a single page at a time (unless you run a report for “All”).
  4. Click on Auction insights.
  5. You'll now be taken to your Auction insights report. Note: only keywords and ad groups that meet a minimum threshold of activity will have the Auction insights report.
  6. If you selected only Search or only Shopping campaigns or ad groups, you'll see the corresponding Auction insights report. 
  7. If you selected a mix of Search and Shopping campaigns or ad groups, you'll need to select the Search campaigns or Shopping campaigns radio button.


Filter your Auction insights

To help you locate keywords, ad groups, and campaigns that have Auction insights reports available, you can create a filter. The Auction insights filter allows you to see at a glance, which of your keywords, ad groups, or campaigns have Auction insights reports available to view.

  1. Click the Filter icon Filterabove your statistics table.
  2. Select one of the filters that appears to see a list of conditions for new filters. 
  3. Enter the condition then click Apply. The table automatically updates to show you your keywords or ad groups with available Auction insights reports.


* Nguồn: Google