Annotations report


As of May 2017, the annotations editor has been discontinued. This means you can no longer add new or edit existing annotations, only delete them. You can continue to see reporting data for your existing annotations.

The Annotations report provides information on the performance of video annotations and gives interaction information such as click-through rate and close rate for annotations on videos.

  • Impressions: Number of times an annotations was displayed.
  • Clickable impressions: Number of times an annotation with the option to click further was displayed.
  • Closeable impressions: Number of times an annotation with the option to close it was displayed.
  • Click-through rate: The percentage of clickable annotations that received clicks.
  • Close rate: The percentage of annotation impressions that were closed by the viewer.
  • Clicks: Number of clicks on annotations.

You can access the Annotations report by clicking the Annotations tab on the left hand menu in YouTube Analytics.

Note: The interaction data for this report starts only from June 10, 2012. Impression and clicks data is only available from 17 July 2013. If you select a previous time period, the graphs are cut off and a respective message is shown.

Annotations report

* Nguồn: Youtube