Additional policies


Vulgar language

Some language is not appropriate for younger audiences. Use of sexually explicit language or excessive profanity in your video or associated metadata may lead to the age-restriction of your video.

Inactive accounts policy

In general, users are expected to be active members within the YouTube community. If an account is found to be overly inactive, the account may be reclaimed by YouTube without notice. Inactivity may be considered as:

  • Not logging into the site for at least six months
  • Never having uploaded video content
  • Not actively partaking in watching or commenting on videos or channels

Encouraging Terms of Service violations

If you post content that encourages other users to violate our Terms of Service, the content may be removed, your account may be penalized, and in some cases your account may be terminated.

Age requirements on Google products

Please refer to the article Age requirements on Google Accounts to learn about the age requirements for YouTube.

* Nguồn: Youtube