Set up email notifications
As part of setting up your YouTube content owner, you need to inform YouTube who should be notified in a variety of situations.
To provide email addresses for notifications:
Go to the Settings Overview page for your content owner.
Click the pencil icon for the Email notifications section.
Enter the email addresses to which YouTube should send notifications.
We recommend using role-based group addresses rather than specific user names. If you want to notify multiple addresses, separate them with a colon.
- Primary notification is the address for general notifications not covered by the other options
- Conflict notification is the address that YouTube notifies about asset ownership conflicts. Other YouTube partners can see this address, to facilitate resolving ownership conflicts.
- Dispute notification is the address that YouTube notifies about claim disputes.
- Fingerprint report is the address that YouTube notifies when new ID File reports are available.
- 3rd party claim notification is the address that YouTube notifies when a managed channel receives a 3rd party claim
Click Save.
* Nguồn: Youtube