Store visits

The estimated number of times that people visit your business location, attributed to your ads. After 29 June 2018, Store Visits uses the same attribution window as other objectives, which is 1-day view, 28-day click.

How it's calculated

This metric estimates the number of times that someone visited one of your business locations after seeing or interacting with your ad.

Visits to business locations are detected from some Facebook users who have location services enabled. These visits are then extrapolated to produce the total estimated number of store visits.

Attribution window

Store visits are attributed to an ad if someone visits your business location up to seven days after seeing it, or up to 28 days after clicking on it. This attribution window is fixed. If you've applied a default attribution window at an account level, it won't apply to store visits. Learn more.

Store visits beta

Store visits is a new metric. While it's in beta, we'll be refining the way it's measured to give you more accurate results.

Related metrics

* Nguồn: Facebook