Remove claimed songs from videos


If your video has matched a content owner's music through Content ID, there may be restrictions on where and how the video is available, as well as whether you can monetize the video.

In some cases, you can remove this song and the restrictions that come with it. This can often be done while keeping the original audio. This feature is only available for videos shorter than 6 hours. 

Note that even if you use this tool, you're still responsible for any use of third-party content in your videos. If your video is ineligible, you will not see the Erase Audio tab. 

Need music for next time? Browse and download copyright-safe music from the YouTube Audio Library.

Remove a track from a video with a copyright claim:

  1. Sign in and go to your Video Manager.
  2. Find the video you want to remove a song from.
  3. From the drop-down menu, choose Edit > Audio.
  4. If the song in the video can be removed, you'll see the Erase Audio section at the bottom of the screen. Select the song you’d like to remove and click Erase.
  5. Click Save. Wait for the song erasure to finish processing to learn if the song removal was successful.

This will remove only the claimed audio, leaving any other layers of audio intact. If that’s not possible, it will mute the portion of your video where the claimed audio appears.

Undo song removal

To undo the song removal:

  1. Sign in and go to your Video Manager.
  2. Find the video you want to remove a song from.
  3. From the drop-down menu, choose Edit > Audio.
  4. At the top right of the screen, click Revert to original.
  5. Click Save.


Note: If your video has over 100,000 views, you may not be able to save your video edits. This restriction does not apply to users who are in the YouTube Partner Program.

* Nguồn: Youtube