Create an image ad


Use image ads to attract people’s attention with color and pictures. You can create image ads outside of Google Ads and upload them, or create responsive ads within Google Ads which automatically adjust to fit the devices they are being viewed on. These ad formats are only for ads on the Display Network. This article explains how to create image ads:

  • Uploaded image ads: Upload image ads after you create them outside of Google Ads, like in Google Web Designer. Supported file types: GIF, JPG, PNG, and HTML5. 
  • Responsive Ads: Create image ads by uploading assets and writing text in Google Ads. Using the assets you provide, responsive ads will which automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit just about any available ad space. Learn more here.  

Before you begin

The simplest and most flexible image ad type is a responsive ad for Display, which you can create in minutes using your own images, or free quality images from our library. For more specific instructions, go to Create a responsive ad for Display. You can also create dynamic responsive ads, to show images from your feed of marketing images.


Requirements for using HTML5 ads

HTML5 ads are not available for all advertisers. You can submit a request to use HTML5 ads if they aren’t available in your account and your account meets the following requirements:

  • Has a good history of policy compliance.
  • Has a good payment history.
  • Has more than US$1000 total lifetime spend.

You’ll receive an email update in about 5-7 business days when your request has been reviewed by the Google Ads team. In the meantime, you can use other options like uploaded AMPHTML ads or responsive display ads.


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

Follow the instructions below to refine your creative process and create ads that drive your campaign goals.

Get custom ad ideas

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account at
  2. Click the Campaigns tab, and then click the name of the display campaign you want to work on.

    Keep in mind

    You cannot create image ads in “Search only” campaigns. Learn about AdWords campaign types and their supported ad formats.

  3. On the “+ AD” menu,” click Image ad.
  4. In the "Choose how to create your image ad" dialog, enter your website URL, and then click Create an ad.
  5. Wait a moment as the system scans your website, gets images and a logo, and creates ad ideas consistent with your website style.
    Scanning your site and getting ad ideas
  6. In the ad ideas that appear, click the Preview responsive ad sizes link, make any changes, and then click Save.


    Make sure your ad text follows our editorial standards. For example, don't use excessive punctuation or include a phone number in your ad's headline.

  7. Make sure your changes appear in all the ad sizes.


Before your saved ad starts showing to customers, we review its content and formatting to make sure they meet our advertising policies.

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Edit ad ideas

You can customize these ad ideas by changing your ad’s headline, description, button label, or URL. Here’s how:

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account at
  2. Click the Campaigns tab, and then click the name of the display campaign you want to work on.
  3. On the “+ AD” menu,” click Image ad.
  4. Click the link to an image ad you want to edit.
  5. On the Review ad ideas page, click Update ideas.
  6. In the Updating ad ideas dialog, update any of the following:
    • Headline
    • Description
    • Button label
    • Ad ideas URL
  7. Select the Also use as landing page URL check box if you want people who click your ad to end up on the same website that you're getting ad ideas from. If you want to use a different landing page URL, this is also where you set it.
  8. Click the Refresh button.
  9. Preview your changes.
    Update ad ideas

You can click the Show more button at the bottom of the page to see more ad ideas.


Sally, owner of a women’s boutique clothing store, is planning a couple of campaigns in the spring. While she wants to target one campaign for her stylish, 30-something clientele, she also wants to test her new line of fashion-forward clothes with a trendier, 20-something crowd.

From the ad ideas that the Ad gallery tool suggested, she picks the “Classic design” and “Modern design.” While both ads carry a similar message, she makes a few tweaks to the headline, description, and colors. Now she has a “Modern design” ad to suit the tastes of her hip, young audience.

Ad ideas example
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Upload an ad

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account at
  2. Click the Campaigns tab, and then click the name of the display campaign you want to work on.
  3. On the “+ AD” menu,” click Image ad.
  4. In the "Choose how to create your image ad" dialog, click Upload an ad.
  5. In the "Upload image ad" form, click Select an ad group, search for the ad group you want, and then click that ad group to add it.
  6. Drag images, Flash files, or HTML5 ad files into the gray box or click Browse files.
  7. Enter a display URL and a landing page.
    Make sure your image ad follows our image ad policies.
  8. Preview your uploaded ad.
  9. If you want the ad to show on mobile devices, select the Mobile checkbox.
  10. Click Save.
  11. To edit your image ad, find your ad on the “Ads” tab and click the pencil icon next to the ad that you want to edit.
  12. Change the ad name, display URL, or landing page, and then select whether you want the ad to show on mobile devices.
  13. Click Save.
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* Nguồn: Google