About Test and Learn: The "How can I more effectively manage my campaign budget?" test


"How can I more effectively manage my campaign budget?" is a question you can answer using Test and Learn to run a campaign budget optimisation test.

What's campaign budget optimisation?

Campaign budget optimisation is a setting that enables us to automatically spend your budget on the highest performing ad sets in your campaign.

How does the test work?


The test allows you to see if campaign budget optimisation leads to a lower overall cost per result compared to ad set budgets.

To determine the winner with scientific rigour (which ensures the accuracy and meaningfulness of your results), we start by randomising everyone eligible to see Facebook ads into two groups. Randomisation ensures that each group is balanced by removing selection bias. Balance matters because we don't want one group to be more likely to get you a result at a lower cost than another. One group is eligible to see ads from the campaign that uses ad set budgets. The other is eligible to see ads from your campaign that uses budget optimisation.

Note: We still only show your ads to people in your target audience. Because we start by putting everyone eligible to see Facebook ads into the test or control group, a subset of your target audience will be in each group.


We pause the campaign that you want to test campaign budget optimisation on and create two copies of it. One copy uses ad set budgets. The other uses campaign budget optimisation.

The total budget remaining across all the ad sets in the original campaign is divided evenly between the two copies. The budget optimisation copy gets a campaign budget that's 50% of the original campaign's total budget. The ad set budget campaign gets a total budget that's 50% of the original campaign's budget. That 50% is divided between its ad sets in the same proportion as the original campaign. For example:

Your original campaign has two ad sets with GBP 100 of combined budget. The first ad set has GBP 80 of budget (80% of the total budget). The second has GBP 20 (20% of the total budget). The copy of the original campaign that uses ad set budgets will have two ad sets with GBP 50 in combined budget. The first ad set will have GBP 40 of budget (80% of the copy's total budget). The second will have GBP 10 (20% of the copy's total budget).

Once the test is over, the two copies will continue running, except their audiences will no longer be split. Once you see which one had a lower cost per result, you can add budget to it and pause the other. The original campaign that the copies are based on will remain paused.

Can I run a campaign budget optimisation test?

Yes, if you have a campaign that:

  • Has more than one ad set
  • Uses daily budgets for each of its ad sets
  • Isn't already using campaign budget optimisation

Should I run a campaign budget optimisation test?

We recommend campaign budget optimisation to all advertisers. If you want to be certain that you should use it, this test is the best way to learn. It ensures that campaign budget optimisation is the only difference between the campaigns. If you test campaign budget optimisation by comparing two campaigns with multiple differences, you can't know what specifically caused one to perform better than the other.

What are the best practices for running a campaign budget optimisation test?

While your test is running, don't unpause your original campaign or edit either copies of your campaign that are being tested. Doing so could prevent us from getting meaningful and accurate results for your test.

How do I set up a campaign budget optimisation test?

To set up a campaign budget delivery optimisation test:

  1. Go to Test and Learn.
  2. Find the "How can I more effectively manage my campaign budget?" box and click Get Started.
  3. Select the campaign you want to test. Doing so automatically determines your test's budget and schedule.
  4. Click Review test details and make sure that everything is set up as desired.
  5. Click Create test.

What if I need to cancel my test?

Note that there's a difference between cancelling your test and pausing the campaign copies. Cancelling your test just stops splitting the audience between your two campaign copies. Both will keep running unless you pause them in Ads Manager.

If you need to cancel your test:

  1. Go to Test and Learn.
  2. Click Learn.
  3. Tick the box next to the test you want to cancel.
  4. Click Cancel test.

How do I see my results?

To see your results:

  1. Go to Test and Learn.
  2. Click Learn.
  3. Click your test. This takes you to Ads Manager, where you'll see a report isolating the test you ran. You can compare the cost per result (and other metrics) of each campaign you tested.

* Nguồn: Facebook