Find, update & export your assets

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

You can find the full list of your assets in the “Assets” section of your “Content ID” menu.

Filter and search for assets

Use the filters dropdown to quickly view whole categories of assets or refine your search results. This menu will also let you toggle between searching within assets that you own and searching all the assets of all the content owners on YouTube. To view the full list of filters available, click the arrow next to the asset search button.

Once you’ve selected your filter criteria and clicked Apply Filters, your asset list will automatically adjust to display results matching those criteria. You can add search queries and modifiers to refine the results even further. The filters that you’ve selected will appear in a yellow banner above the resulting list of assets being displayed. To remove one of the filters, click the X next to it.

You may also search for individual assets, or groups of assets on the Assets page by using the search menu located at the top-right of the page.

Asset search modifiers

Asset search supports a variety of keywords that can search for specific asset characteristics. Simply type them into the asset search field, using the following syntax:

search modifier:search term.

Note, there are no spaces between the search modifier, the colon and the search term.

Click here for the full list of asset search modifiers that are currently active.

All Asset Types

  • assetid
  • custom_id


  • isrc
  • song
  • grid
  • artist
  • album
  • label
  • upc

Music Video

  • isrc
  • song
  • grid
  • artist
  • album
  • label
  • upc


  • iswc
  • title
  • writer


  • show_title
  • episode_title
  • episode_nb
  • season_nb
  • tms_id


  • tms_id
  • title

Export assets

At any point, you can export the list of assets being displayed on the Assets tab in .CSV format. To do so, click the Export as CSV link below your asset list. You will be able to track the status of your export as it progresses.

Once your export is complete, you may download the .CSV file. The file will contain details about each of your assets, similar to the information you’d see in an Asset Report downloaded from

* Nguồn: Youtube