Validation checks

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

Before starting to upload a metadata file, YouTube reviews the data for these types of errors:

Improper formatting

The validator confirms that your feed is formatted properly. For example, it must specify a value for all required fields, and date values must be specified in the proper format.

Invalid characters

The Custom ID refers to a unique value used to identify an asset. This can be an ID created specifically for the asset (such as a production code or UPC) or a standard industry identifier (such as EIDR or TMS ID). This field supports a maximum length of 64 bytes and may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), arrobas (@), or forward slashes (/).

Please note that there are two different types of Custom ID, and that using the same ID for both avails and ingestion helps improve tracking and reporting.

  1. The Avails Custom ID is the ID the partner provides to Google as metadata in the avails. Although this Custom ID is optional, it is highly encouraged because it is invaluable for the Operations Team to track and audit titles internally.
  2. The Ingestion Custom ID is provided in the XML or CSV during ingestion. It is also optional but highly encouraged, because this is a title-specific number that will appear on your CMS transactional reports, and will aid in effective revenue tracking.

References to YouTube IDs or names that don’t exist

The validator confirms that:

  • Every , , , or
  • No
  • Every referenced by a exists in your list of saved policies.
  • Every identified by a name attribute is an active owner.

Attempts to perform actions for which you don't have proper permissions

The validator displays an error if you attempt to:

  • Update a
  • Add a video to a channel whose owner is not a YouTube user account linked to your YouTube partner account.
  • Add a sound recording to the AudioSwap program when you're not enrolled in AudioSwap.

Dependent XML elements that are not properly associated with their related element

Some XML elements, such as , , and , are meaningful only when they’re related to other elements. The validator checks these relationships:

  • Every element must be related to an , , , or
  • Every
  • Every , , , or element must be related to a
  • Every element must be related to an element.
  • Every season asset specifies an existing .

Misapplied match policies

The validator displays an error if you attempt to apply a match policy to a video that you upload (and which should have a usage policy). For example, you can't apply a policy that includes matchtime criteria to a video you upload yourself.

AudioSwap candidates with a duplicate ISRC number

If you're adding a sound recording to the AudioSwap program, its International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) number can't match the ISRC number of any other AudioSwap file.

If your file has any of these issues, the validator writes into the status log an error message that identifies the offending element or tag.

* Nguồn: Youtube