How can I improve my ads to avoid receiving negative feedback?


People can respond negatively to ads for a number of different reasons, but here are some suggestions that may help you improve your ads:

  • Poor performance is a sign that your ad hasn't been targeted to the most relevant audience. We suggest adding targeting parameters so that your ad will be shown to people who are more likely to be interested in your product. By improving how your ad is targeted, you should notice higher conversion rates and better performance overall.
  • People consistently respond negatively to ads with suggestive images and language. If your ad hasn't been approved for feedback, consider selecting a different image, or rephrasing the title and text of your ad.
  • Bear in mind that people react strongly to ads related to sensitive topics. If you're advertising a product or service that's potentially polarising, politically related or otherwise controversial, we recommend targeting very intentionally and experimenting with different images, language and types of ads.
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* Nguồn: Facebook