About Test and Learn: The "How much effect is my campaign having on brand perception?" test

This test is only available in the US and Canada at the moment.

"How much effect is my campaign having on brand perception?" is a question you can answer using Test and Learn to run a brand lift test.

How does the test work?


You create the test in the Test and Learn interface by designing up to three poll questions, which we'll ask people in a campaign's target audience. The poll measures the effect that the campaign is having on brand perception through questions about:

  • Standard ad recall. For example: "Do you recall seeing an ad for [your brand] online or on a mobile device in the last two days?" Every brand lift test is required to include a standard ad recall question. (It may also include up to two additional questions about the other areas in this list).
  • Standard brand awareness. For example: "Have you heard of [your brand]?"
  • Abstract favourability. For example: "How would you describe your overall opinion of [your brand]?"
  • Familiarity. For example: "How familiar are you with [your brand]?"
  • Recommendation. For example: "Will you recommend [your brand] to a friend?"
  • Action intent. For example: "How likely are you to consider [your brand]?"

Note: "[Your brand]" will be the name of the Page associated with the campaign that you're testing.

Each question can be customised using drop-down options. Doing so can help make a question more relevant to your campaign and what you're trying to learn about it. For example, if you're running a video campaign, you could change the default standard ad recall question from "Do you recall seeing an ad for [your brand] online or on a mobile device in the last two days?" to "Do you recall watching a video for [your brand] online or on a mobile device in the last two days?"

Each question also has a unique set of responses. These can't be changed. We identify which of the responses are "desired", meaning that we count them as positive reactions to your brand ("brand lift").

You can preview what your poll will look like by clicking Preview poll.


To determine the effect that your ads are having on brand perception with scientific rigour (which ensures the accuracy and meaningfulness of your results), we start by randomising everyone eligible to see Facebook ads into two groups. Randomisation ensures that each group is balanced. Balance matters because we don't want any group to be more likely to have a certain perception of your brand than another. There is one "test" group and one "control" group. A test group is made up of people who can see your ads. A control group is made up of people who can't see your ads. Using this methodology helps us determine which conversions are caused by your ads and which would have happened without them.

Note: We still only show your ads to people in your target audience. Because we start by putting everyone eligible to see Facebook ads into the test or control group, a subset of your target audience will be in the test group.

Once the test is over, the test and control group distinction is removed and we go back to showing your ads to anyone in your target audience.

Can I run a brand lift test?

As long as you have at least one active campaign (that wasn't bought using reach & frequency) with a budget of at least USD 30,000 to spend during the test, yes.

Should I run a brand lift test?

Brand campaigns are typically major investments, so we recommend measuring the value that you're getting from them if you can. Adopting a data-driven approach to advertising is key to growing your business. However, being data-driven doesn't just mean testing – it means testing with intention. In other words, you should know what information you're looking for and what you'll do once you have it. If you don't have a clear idea of those things, you may want to develop them before testing.

How do I set up a brand lift test?

To set up a brand lift test, make sure that you have at least one campaign that meets the requirements listed above, and then:

  1. Go to Test and Learn.
  2. Find the "How much effect is my campaign having on brand perception?" box and click Set up test.
  3. Select the campaign you want to test.

    Note: If more than one Page is associated with the ads in this campaign, select a single Page to represent the brand you want to test.
  4. Set the schedule for your test. We recommend testing for at least four weeks.
  5. Choose the region that you want to use as a comparison for your results. This choice helps us give you context on how effective your campaign was. For example, your results could show that your campaign caused 6.8% brand lift, whereas the average campaign in Latin America causes 5.4% brand lift. We recommend choosing the region where the majority of your target audience is located so that the comparison is as useful as possible.
  6. Choose a vertical (industry) that you want to use as a comparison for your results. This choice also helps us give you context on how effective your campaign was. For example, your results could show that your campaign caused 5.8% brand lift, whereas the average automotive campaign causes 6.1% brand lift. We recommend choosing the vertical that applies to your campaign so that the comparison is as useful as possible.
  7. Enter a name for your test.
  8. Set up your standard ad recall poll question using the drop-down.
  9. If you want to add additional poll questions (up to two), click Add question (optional). Then choose your poll question type and customise your question.

    Note: Each person we poll will only be asked one question.
  10. Click Review test details and review your test.
  11. Click Schedule test.

For tips on setting up the most effective test possible, read our best practices guide.

What if I need to cancel my test?

If you need to cancel your test after you've created it:

  1. Go to Test and Learn
  2. Click Learn.
  3. Tick the box next to the test you want to cancel.
  4. Click Cancel test.

How do I see my results?

Learn when and where you can see your results, and how to interpret them, in our brand lift test results guide.

* Nguồn: Facebook