Use dynamic remarketing to show ads tailored to your site visitors


Remarketing allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website or used your mobile app. Dynamic remarketing takes this a step further, letting you show previous visitors ads that contain products and services they viewed on your site. With messages tailored to your audience, dynamic remarketing helps you build leads and sales by bringing previous visitors back to your site to complete what they started.

More reasons to use dynamic remarketing

  • Ads that scale with your products or services: Pair your feed of products or services with dynamic ads, scaling your ads to cover your entire inventory.
  • Simple, yet powerful feeds: Create a basic .csv, .tsv, .xls, or .xlsx feed. The Google Ads product recommendation engine will pull products and services from your feed, determining the best mix of products for each ad based on popularity and what the visitor viewed on your site.
  • High-performance layouts: Google Ads predicts which dynamic ad layout is likely to perform best for the person, placement, and platform where the ad will show.
  • Real-time bid optimization: With enhanced CPC and conversion optimizer, Google Ads calculates the optimal bid for each impression.

What you’ll need to get started

Product or service feed
Create a feed that includes all of your products or services, along with details about each item (unique ID, price, image, and more). These details are then pulled from your feed into your dynamic ads. You’ll upload your feed to the Business data section of your Shared library, unless you’re a retailer. If you’re a retailer, you’ll upload your product feed to the Google Merchant Center.

Tag with custom parameters
Add the dynamic remarketing tag with custom parameters to all pages of your website. The tag adds your website visitors to remarketing lists and associates them with the unique IDs of the feed items they viewed. You’ll find your tag in the Audiences section of your Shared library.

Responsive ads
Responsive ads use layouts in numerous sizes and formats for modern platforms, including HTML5 for mobile devices. You’ll create responsive ads in the Ad gallery.

Dynamic prospecting and dynamic remarketing

Dynamic prospecting brings user information and product information together to show your best product at the right time to the users who would be the most interested. Unlike dynamic remarketing, which is focused on getting the most value out of your existing customers, dynamic prospecting is used to acquire new users. This difference makes dynamic prospecting the preferable method if you’re a new advertiser or if you’re targeting an audience different from your own first-party data (including your remarketing lists). 

How it works

Dynamic prospecting uses machine learning to get an idea for what potential buyers are looking for. Once the system knows what the user is after, it combines that possible intent with demographics-based information such as age, gender, and household income to match the user with a product in your feed. The products in your feed are evaluated based on performance, relevance, and other factors to determine which ones are most likely to catch the user’s attention and lead to conversions.

Adding dynamic prospecting to a dynamic remarketing campaign

  1. Sign into Google Ads and navigate to your campaign’s settings.
  2. Click on Additional settings.
  3. Click on the drop-down under “Dynamic ads.”
    • This drop-down will select “No data feed” by default
  4. Click the checkbox next to “use a data feed for personalised ads”
  5. Select the relevant Data Feed from the drop down menu
  6. Click Save.

Note: To add targeting to a campaign, refer to the Dynamic remarketing for web setup guide.

Stories from businesses who use dynamic remarketing

  • Netshoes, the world’s largest web-only retailer of sporting equipment and athletic apparel, saw 30-40% growth in overall revenue with dynamic remarketing during the Christmas season. Read their story
  • Sierra Trading Post, an outdoor gear and outerwear retail store, saw their conversions increase 5X with dynamic remarketing compared to regular remarketing campaigns. Read their story

* Nguồn: Google