Change playlist privacy setting


If you're the owner of a playlist, you can make your playlist public, private, or unlisted — just like you can for individual videos.

Set playlist privacy

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click your account icon in the top right > Creator Studio
  3. In the left menu, select Video Manager > Playlists.
  4. Next to the playlist you want to update, click Edit. This will take you to the individual playlist you’d like to manage.
  5. Click Playlist settings.
  6. In the "Playlist privacy" drop-down menu, choose the playlist privacy setting.  
  7. Click Save.

Privacy settings

  • Public videos and playlists can be seen by and shared with anyone.
  • Private videos and playlists can only be seen by you and the users you choose.
  • Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link.
Feature Unlisted Private Public
Can share URL Yes No Yes
Can be added to a channel section Yes No Yes
Shows up in search, related videos, and recommendations No No Yes
Posted on your channel No No Yes
Shows in Subscriber feed No No Yes

* Nguồn: Youtube