Create a Dynamic Search Ad


Dynamic Search Ads can quickly direct potential customers to what they want on your site. If you want to know more before getting started, learn about Dynamic Search Ads.

To create a Dynamic Search Campaign—and to learn how to create ads, ad groups, and customize your targeting and bid—follow the instructions in this article. If you opt to set up your targeting with a feed, also follow instructions in Use a feed to target Dynamic Search Ads.

Before you begin

To get the most out of Dynamic Search Ads, follow these best practices:

  • Before you write ads, improve your website. The quality of your site is as important as the quality of your ads. Get tips on how to improve your website.
  • Write great descriptions for your ads. Make sure your ads are relevant to the people you’re trying to reach. Learn how to write great ads.
  • Keep mobile in mind. Dynamic Search Ads can appear on mobile to customers searching or browsing while they’re on the go. Learn how to improve your mobile site.
  • Make sure your site is accessible. Sites where all content is dynamically generated can be hard for Google to understand and make ads for. Learn how to make your site more accessible.
  • Create single-language campaigns. If your website domain contains pages in multiple languages and you want to target searches for your ads based on all of these pages, create a new campaign for each language.


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

How to create Dynamic Search Ads

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.

  2. Click the Campaigns tab.

  3. Click the + Campaign drop-down menu and select Search Network only.
  4. On the "Select campaign settings" page, choose Dynamic Search Ads. Then enter your campaign name. If you want to use additional features (like the "Ad schedule" setting), which are only available in the “All features” campaign type, you can configure a Dynamic Search Ads campaign under that campaign type.
  5. Enter your domain and the language corresponding to the pages you want your ads to target.
  6. Select your targeting preference. Either target your ads based on Google’s index of your website or target them based on a spreadsheet of URLs (a page feed). Learn more about page feeds
  7. Expand the Location options (advanced) to select your target geographic locations.
  8. For your bid strategy, choose an automated bid strategy if you want Google to optimize your bids. We recommend the target CPA or enhanced CPC options.
  9. Enter your default bid and budget then click Save and continue.

How to create an ad group

  1. In the Name this ad group section of your campaign, name your ad group.
  2. To target by categories (recommended), choose Target categories recommended for your website then select categories and add them to the Selected dynamic ad targets column. Once you add a category, a recommended bid will automatically appear, if available. Edit each bid separately or click Clear all bids to clear all recommendations. Categories without a selected bid use the ad group's default bid.
  3. To target all webpages on your site, select Target all webpages. This option includes all your indexed pages, including subdomains.
  4. To target only certain webpages, select Target specific webpages (advanced) then create one or more rules. Only pages for which all selected rules hold true will be targeted by the combined rule:
    • "URL contains" rules target all pages whose URLs contain the specified text.
    • "Page content" rules target all pages that contain the specified text in the page's content.
    • "Page title" rules are similar to "Page content" but only look for the specified text in a page's title. You can also use category rules in combination with other rules.
  5. In the Create an ad section, enter the text for the description of your ad. The headline, display URL, and final URL will be generated dynamically. 
  6. If you want to track your ad performance, add your tracking information in the "Tracking template" field in the Ad URL options section. Here, you can insert ValueTrack parameters in your URL tracking template. Learn more
  7. Click Save ad group.
  8. If you like, add more ad groups from the Ad groups tab of your campaign

How to create additional ads

With a Dynamic Search Ad campaign, you can have more than one ad, which means you can collect data on which ad is most effective. Here’s how to add more Dynamic Search Ads to the ad group of the campaign you've created:

  1. Click the Ads tab from the ad group you created for your Dynamic Search Ads campaign.
  2. Click the +Ad button.
  3. Insert text in the description lines. If you track the performance of your ads with ValueTrack, include the relevant parameters in your URL tracking template.
  4. Click Save ad.

How to edit Dynamic Search Ads in bulk

You can save time by editing bids for multiple Dynamic Search Ads at once. Here's how:

  1. Go to the "Campaigns" tab.
  2. Click the Ads sub-tab.
  3. Select the checkbox next to any of the ads you want to modify.
  4. From the "Edit" menu, select Change text ads....
  5. In the dialog box that appears, make any changes that you would like to apply across all the ads you selected. You can also create a new set of duplicate ads that contain your changes – instead of changing your existing ads – by checking the box next to "Duplicate selected text ads and set text in duplicates."
  6. When finished, click Make changes.

* Nguồn: Google