Create ads for dynamic remarketing



Note: Beginning in the summer of 2018, responsive display ads will become the new default ad type for the Display Network in the new Google Ads experience. These ads include all the features of responsive ads, allow for multiple assets of each type, and more control over your ads. If you have responsive ads running, you’ll be prompted to save them as responsive display ads. 


Dynamic remarketing campaigns show customers personalized content from a product feed you control and attach to your campaign. Responsive Display ads are the new standard for your dynamic campaigns. Google originally introduced standard, non-responsive ads, which also are covered here for your reference.

Responsive Display ads can fit in just about any ad space, and can be easily created and edited. Learn how to create a Responsive Display ad.

If you have a specific need that isn’t included in a Responsive Display ad, follow the instructions below to upload a custom dynamic ad with Google Web Designer.

Keep in mind

Some advertisers using standard dynamic ads will begin to see suggested Responsive Display ads set up in their dynamic campaigns. Until these ads are reviewed and enabled, they will remain paused.

Existing standard dynamic ads will be read-only in the new Google Ads experience, but will still serve unless paused by advertisers.

The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

As mentioned above, Responsive Display ads aren’t available in the previous version of AdWords. Here are a few things to keep in mind about dynamic remarketing for responsive ads:

  • If you include a formatted price in your feed, then it will be used instead of the price prefix you add in AdWords when creating up your ad.
  • Because responsive ads show as more sizes than your dynamic feed images can fit to, your ads may not always use images from your feed.
  • Products shown in preview are for illustrative purposes only. Please ensure that your feeds are compliant with our Personalized Advertising Policy
  • Google may show layout tags for retail advertisers, such as "new", "hot", or "price drop", on relevant products in order to drive performance. These layout tags appear automatically based on product insights from the feed. Learn more
  • Not all assets will appear when your ads show. Sometimes, for example, your ads may show without images to increase your reach across the Display Network.

Learn more about using feeds for dynamic remarketing

How to customize the price in your responsive ads

If you're using flights, hotels and rentals, local deals, travel, or a custom feed, you can customize how the price attribute from your feed is arranged in your responsive ad. Learn more about feeds and custom price attributes like these: 

  • ​​1M instead of 1,000,000
  • $1M+ instead of 1,000,000

In Google Ads, when using responsive ads with dynamic product feeds, you will also see an option to enter price prefix information. This is a quicker and simpler solution than customizing prices through the feed. 

Price prefix information will be overridden when prices are customized by way of the feed. 

How to upload dynamic ads created with Google Web Designer

If your business has strict brand guidelines, you can use Google Web Designer to create dynamic ads that can then be uploaded to Google Ads. You can also use Google Web Designer to set rules so that your ads adjust their size according to where they appear in the Google Display Network, making them “responsive.” 

  1. If you're new to Google Web Designer, read the Google Web Designer instructions. If you have some experience with Google Web Designer, you can find templates and a comprehensive guide in the Rich Media Gallery.
  2. Make sure you have a feed attached to the campaign or ad group you’ll put the ads in.
  3. Click the Ads tab.
  4. Click + Ads and select Ad gallery.

  5. Select Dynamic ads.

  6. Select Upload your own layout.
  7. Find and upload your file.

  8. Repeat for each ad size.

  9. Click Save.

Note: When you upload a new dynamic ad, make sure it has the appropriate type (dynamic) and business type. The business type of the creative should match the campaign, you can find more information about your feed at the campaign settings page.

Additionally, make sure that your ad is designed to show one product or more, but not a specific, fixed number of products (2 or 3, for example), because Google will only be able to guarantee that one or more products will be shown for dynamic remarketing.

Layout tags

Google may show layout tags on relevant products in order to drive performance. These layout tags appear automatically based on product insights from the feed, and may be shown on Responsive Display ads for retail advertisers. Possible layout tags include:

  • "Price drop" tags may be shown when products in the Google Merchant Center feed have recently dropped in price.
  • "New" tags may be shown when a new product is added to the Google Merchant Center feed.
  • "Hot" tags may be shown based upon popular items in the Google Merchant Center feed. 
  • "Sale" tags may be shown for items in the Google Merchant Center feed that have a "sale_price" that is lower than "price".

Google may experiment with other types of layout tags in order to drive better performance. 

How to customize the text in your dynamic ads

This only applies to the previous AdWords experience. Determine which Google Ads experience you’re using.

If you’re using standard dynamic ads, and using an education, flights, travel, or custom feed, you can customize how the attributes from your feed are arranged in your dynamic ads.

For example, a layout uses the destination name "SFO" for the ad headline, the flight description "Cheap daily flights" for the ad description, and the flight price "$900" for the price.

But let’s say that you want a more descriptive headline. You could instead use the destination name and the flight description for the ad headline: "Cheap daily flights to SFO."

Here’s how you customize your dynamic ads:

  1. Under "Feeds," click More options.
  2. Click in the field next to the ad element you want to customize, such as "Headline."
  3. In the drop-down menu that appears select a feed attribute, which will appear in curly brackets. For example, "{Destination ID}." Insert and arrange your attributes in this field. You can also include static text. For example, to create the headline "Cheap daily flights" shown above, you’d enter "{Flight description} to {Destination name}" in the headline field.
  4. Click Save and preview.

* Nguồn: Google