Which policy applies?

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

YouTube associates a policy with a video whenever someone claims it. Which policy YouTube applies to the video depends on how the claim is made and whether any other partner has claimed the same video.

  • When you claim a video that you’ve uploaded to a channel you own, YouTube uses the policy identified as the default usage policy.

  • When the YouTube Content ID system claims a user-uploaded video, it automatically uses the reference match policy for the asset making the claim. If the asset doesn’t have an associated match policy, YouTube uses the policy identified as the default match policy.

  • When you claim a video using descriptive search, you manually choose which policy to associate with the claim.

You can manually override the policy associated with a claim, replacing it with any policy that doesn’t use auto-claim criteria.

More than one partner can have a valid claim on the same video in the same territory. For example, one partner may claim the visual portion and another partner the audio portion. When multiple partners have valid claims on a video, YouTube associates a policy from each partner with the video, according to the rules described above. When a video has multiple valid claims and therefore multiple valid policies, YouTube applies whichever policy results in the most restrictive action. If one policy says to monetize the video and another says to block it, YouTube blocks the video; see Handling multiple claims for more information.

* Nguồn: Youtube