About "All conversions"


Each conversion action you track probably has a different value for your business. Some may be your main goals, while others may be helpful to track, but you don’t want to adjust your bids to achieve them. Still, looking at all of your conversions together provides a broader view of how your business is doing.

The “All conversions” column gives you a view of all the conversions that your Google Ads campaigns drive. This column includes any conversion actions that you've chosen not to include in your main "Conversions" column.


The "All conversions" column provides a flexible way to report on which campaigns, ads, and keywords are leading to valuable actions without requiring you to include those actions in your main “Conversions” column which is used by Smart bidding. You can add the “All conversions” column to any of your reports and segment by a variety of dimensions to evaluate your Google Ads performance.

  • Segment your "All conversions" column by conversion action to see how many conversions you got associated with each action regardless of if that action was included in the main "Conversions" column.
  • Segment your "All conversions" column by device type to optimize your mobile bids.
  • Segment your "All conversions" column by conversion source to see which sources your conversions are coming from, for example, how many store visit conversions you reported. This can help you make better decisions about allocating resources between your online and offline budgets. 


To start using All conversions, you'll need to use conversion tracking, including website, phone call, store visits, or in-app conversion tracking as applicable.

To find the “All conversions” column, sign in to your Google Ads account, then follow these instructions:

  • In the previous AdWords experience, click the Campaigns tab and look for the “All conv.” column.
  • In the new Google Ads experience, click any of the links in the page menu on the left (Campaigns, for example) and look for the “All conv.” column. This can be selected by clicking the Columns icon Columns above the statistics table.

Determine which Google Ads experience you're using.
If you can’t find the “All conv.” column, it might not be showing in your report by default. Learn how to add columns to a report.

To get the full benefit of “All conversions,” record enough conversions in your account to gain meaningful business insights. 

How it works

“All conversions” includes the data in your “Conversions” column, conversion actions you’ve chosen not to include in your “Conversions” column, store visits, certain phone calls, and more. These additional conversions can give you a more accurate understanding of how users interact with your business, and this helps you better calculate the effectiveness of your advertising.

What's included in "All conversions"

Read below to learn more about these special conversion sources that can help you make more informed decisions about your online advertising investments.

Conversions with "Include in 'Conversions'" unchecked

When setting up or editing a conversion action, you can uncheck the “Include in ‘Conversions’” setting if you don’t want to include those conversions in your main “Conversions” and “Conversion value” columns. Data from these conversion actions will still be included in your “All conversions” column.

You can learn more about this setting in our article on "Include in 'Conversions'".

Calls from tablet and computer users

If you use call extensions or call-only ads with Google forwarding numbers, you can count calls as conversions as follows:

  • Conversions generated by calls from mobile search ads are counted as standard conversions and included in the Conversions column.
  • Calls placed after viewing ads on tablets and computers are included in the "All Conversions" column.

Google forwarding numbers are currently available in these countries.

Did you know...

Phone calls are an important channel for research and purchasing with 70% of mobile searchers reporting using click-to-call functionality to connect with a business directly from the search results. In fact, consumers make more than 40M calls directly from Google ads every month.

Store visits

Store visit conversions are available for eligible advertisers in certain countries. If you're interested in using this feature, learn more in our About store visit conversions article, or contact your Google Ads account representative.

How to use it

You can use "All conversions" to inform your bidding. If you’ve chosen not to include certain conversion actions in your "Conversions" column, remember that "All conversions" will also include these additional conversions.

Sorting your data

The "All conversions" column can help you understand the relative contribution to total conversions that mobile, desktop, and tablet have had across your ads.

To see a breakdown of your conversions by the device where an ad click happened, segment your report by Device.

Note that when you segment by device, you'll see cross-device conversions counted for the device where the ad click occurred. For example, if a someone clicked an ad on a mobile device, and later converted on a desktop computer, the conversion would be counted under mobile.

Keep in mind:

  • Call conversions on the Search Network from both desktop and tablet are included in the "Computer" row. (Call conversions from tablets can't be reported separately.)
  • Mobile calls are included in the mobile row.
  • Desktop and tablet call conversions are not available at the keyword level.
  • Cross-device data for call conversions is only available for Search Network campaigns.

* Nguồn: Google