Create a Shopping campaign


Shopping campaigns help you promote your products by giving users detailed information about what you're selling before they even click your ad. Using retail-centric reporting tools, you'll then be able to track the performance of your products over time. 

In this article, we'll walk you through how to set up a Shopping campaign in Google Ads. 

Before you begin

If you're not familiar with Shopping campaigns, learn more About Shopping campaigns and Shopping ads.

Before you create your Shopping campaign, make sure you meet the requirements.


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

Guided tour: Create a Shopping campaign

Click the "Guide me" button below to go to your account and be guided through each step.

Guide me

Here are step-by-step instructions for creating a Shopping campaign:

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.
  2. Click the Campaigns tab. Then, click + Campaign and select Shopping.
  3. On the “Select campaign settings” page, give your campaign a name. If you want to use the same campaign settings as another Shopping campaign, go to “or load settings from” and select the campaign from the “Existing campaigns” drop-down menu.
  4. Provide a merchant identifier by clicking the Select account drop-down menu and choosing the Merchant ID. The ID should be the Google Merchant Center account associated with the products being advertised in this Shopping campaign.
  5. From the drop-down menu next to “Country of Sale” select the country where the products in this campaign are sold. This setting defines which products from your Merchant Center inventory are advertised in this campaign. It filters products based on the target country associated with the products.
  6. If you want to use the optional “campaign priority” and “inventory filter” settings or advertise local products, click Shopping settings (advanced).
  7. Use the optional “campaign priority” setting when you have multiple Shopping campaigns advertising the same product and you want to determine which campaign (and its associated bid) will be used when ads for these products show. By default, all Shopping campaigns are set to “Low” campaign priority. To change, select “Medium” or “High,” depending upon how you choose to prioritize this campaign over other Shopping campaigns with the same products. Learn more about the campaign priority setting.
  8. Use the optional “inventory filter” to limit the products you want to advertise in your Shopping campaign based on the Merchant Center product attributes you choose. By default, the inventory filter is set to “None - Use all products in country of sale (recommended).” To change, select Create custom filter.
    • In the two drop-down menus under “Matches all of the following,” select the attribute and corresponding value of the products you want to include in your Shopping campaign.
    • To add an additional filter, click + and make your selections as above. You are limited to 7 attribute filters.
  9. By default, Shopping campaigns show products sold on an online website. If you want your Shopping campaign to include products sold in local stores, you should consider participating in Local Inventory Ads. Once you have submitted a verified Local Products feed to Google Merchant Center, you can promote products from your local stores in your Shopping campaign by checking "Enable local inventory ads" box. With the checkbox checked, you'll be able to filter or subdivide your inventory by channel and channel exclusivity. Learn more about using Local Inventory Ads.
  10. Next to “Locations,” choose the geographical areas where you want the Shopping ads in this campaign to appear. You can choose to include or exclude specific locations.
  11. By default, Shopping campaigns show ads on the Google Search Network and on Google search partner websites. The Google Search Network includes and Search partners include third-party websites that display and link to products for sale. Including search partners can help you reach more shoppers, increase your visibility, and improve traffic to your products. You can deselect the “Include search partners” check box if you don’t want to include them in your campaign.
  12. Your “bid strategy” defaults to “I’ll manually set my bids for clicks,” which means you’ll set your own maximum cost-per-click bid (max. CPC). You’ll do this in the next step.

    If you use conversion tracking, "Enable Enhanced CPC" is automatically selected. Enhanced cost-per-click (Enhanced CPC) automatically adjusts your manual bids to try to maximize conversions you receive while keeping your total cost the same. Learn more about using Enhanced CPC bidding with your Shopping campaign.

  13. Enter your max. CPC bid next to “Default bid.” This bid will apply to the first ad group and product group you create in your campaign. You can adjust your bids later from the "Product groups” tab.
  14. Next to “Budget,” select if you would like to use an “individual budget” for this campaign or apply a budget from a shared library. For an individual budget, enter the amount you would like to spend per day for this campaign (keep in mind, the actual amount may vary). Learn more about shared budgets.
  15. Select any additional advanced options for your campaign, including delivery method, ad scheduling, and dynamic tracking URL.
  16. Click Save and continue.
  17. You'll arrive on the Create ad groups page. In the “Ad group creation” section you'll need to make some decisions about how to organize your campaign. How you organize your settings depends on your goals for your campaign. Remember that you can always change the organization of your campaign later if you need to. Learn how to use ad groups in your Shopping campaign.

Best practices: Check mark icon Best practices

Read the Google Best Practices guide to learn how to win over today’s constantly connected consumers by optimizing your Shopping campaigns.
Create and Optimize Effective Shopping Campaigns: Google Best Practices

* Nguồn: Google