Release List

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

Releases - Audio Album Profile

For Audio Album feeds, the defines the releases that can be made from the resources in this message. Each available release is represented by a element with a unique release reference.

Each Audio Album feed must contain two types of releases:

  • At least one release with a of Album, Single, or ClassicalAlbum. For each of these releases an album playlist will be created (assuming the relevant rights). YouTube uses some of the metadata to create the Art Tracks for the sound recording resources; see Creating Art Tracks from DDEX files for details.
  • For each track, a release with a of TrackRelease. Since YouTube streams tracks one at a time, only deals that are linked to TrackReleases are considered for YouTube Red. YouTube does not use any metadata from TrackReleases.
YouTube does not support per-territory metadata in the . If the message includes multiple versions of the metadata for a release, YouTube uses only the version that appears first in the message.

Art Track Ownership

At delivery time, YouTube applies ownership on the Art Track asset for all territories that the track will go live in. The auto-populated usage policy on the Art Track claim will determine when the video will be live in each of these territories.

Releases - Single Resource Release Profile

For Single Resource feeds, all Releases in the must have a ReleaseType of SingleResourceRelease. These releases are used for linking Content ID dealterms to the . YouTube does not use any metadata from these releases.


Releases - Video Single Profile

According to the Video Single profile, each feed must contain two types of releases:

  • One release with a  of VideoSingle. This release type is not used by YouTube.
  • One release with a  of VideoTrackRelease. Since YouTube streams tracks one at a time, only deals that are linked to VideoTrackRelease are processed. YouTube also uses this release for the following:
Video: Description
    Official video for "A little bit of Foo" by Jonny and the Føøbars. Now also available on Follow us on social media:


Asset: Embedding a Sound Recording in the Music Video asset



Video: Linking a custom thumbnail image to the YouTube Video




* Nguồn: Youtube