Upload Your Catalog Data Feed all at Once

If you're new to selling your inventory through Facebook and don't expect to update your inventory repeatedly, you can upload your catalog data feed all at once.

To upload your data feed all at once:

  1. Go to Catalog Manager.
  2. Click Data Sources.
  3. Click Add Data Source.
  4. Click Use Data Feeds and click Next.
  5. Click Upload once.
  6. Drag and drop the file from your computer. Alternatively, click Upload file and search for the file on your computer.
  7. Enter a name for your data feed.
  8. Choose the currency type for your data feed. The currency type is used for your data feed if you don't specify it in your data feed file.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Review your data feed file for any errors. If you're missing any required columns in your data feed file, or there are columns that Facebook doesn't recognize, you can map them to the appropriate columns here. Any columns mapped here are saved for future data feed uploads.
  11. Click Next. Your items are uploaded to Facebook.

Your data feed is now uploaded.

* Nguồn: Facebook