About offer ads


Offers are discounts that you can share with your customers on Facebook to encourage people to shop on your website, at your physical shop or both. If you're an admin of a Facebook Page, you can create an offer ad to reach more people.

When people see your offer in their News Feed on Facebook, they can save it, like it or comment on it. When someone saves your offer, it'll appear in their Offers bookmark to use later. A person who saves your offer will be reminded about it on Facebook up to three times, depending on their personal notification preferences.

  • Online offer ads: People who save your offer will get Facebook notifications reminding them to use it when they switch devices (e.g. from a phone to a computer) and again before the offer expires.
  • In-store offer ads: People can bring the offer on a phone to your physical shop and will be reminded on Facebook about your offer before it expires. They'll also get an email with the offer details if they'd like to print it out. If their phone has location sharing turned on, they'll get a reminder to use your offer when they're nearby.
  • Saving offer ads: You can see how many people are really interested in your offer by viewing Offers saved in your ads reporting. You'll have more insight into how many people view your offer, how many people click on it and how many people use it if you're using a Conversions or Store Visits advertising objective with your offer ad. You can use this info to improve your advertising strategy.

* Nguồn: Facebook