About macros


Macros are strings of text that instruct a system or program to take a specific action when the system recognizes the macro. For example, you can build a program that looks for a “name” macro and replaces the macro with the user's real name. Common macros include Advertiser ID, Campaign ID, Placement ID, Site ID, Ad ID and Creative ID.

For example, let's say that you're using the following example click tag:

https://ad.atdmt.com/s/go;adv=11132200813262;ec=11132202629889;c.a= {campaignid};s.a=google;p.a={campaignid};as.a= {adgroupid};qpb=1;?bidkw={keyword:defaultkeyword}& dvc={device}&h={lpurl}

In this example click tag, the bolded sections represent macros for Google Ads: “{campaignid}”, “{adgroupid}”, “{keyword:defaultkeyword}”, “{device}” and “{lpurl}”. When Google Ads processes this URL, the system will replace these macros with their actual values. This is how the information is passed to other vendors.

In this example, Google Ads would send the following to Facebook Attribution:

https://ad.atdmt.com/s/go;adv=11132200813262;ec=11132202629889;c.a= 123456;s.a=google;p.a=123456;as.a=78910;qpb=1;?bidkw=branded_search &dvc=mobile&h=http://www.mywebsite.com

This tells Facebook Attribution that the Google Ads Campaign ID is “123456”, the Ad Group ID is “78910”, the keyword a user entered into the search bar was “branded search”, the device where the search happened was “mobile”, and the landing page the user should be taken to is "http://www.mywebsite.com".

* Nguồn: Facebook