About landing page view optimisation


This article contains an overview of what landing page views are, what's required to optimise for them and how to get started.

Important: Landing page view optimisation requires a properly-implemented pixel to work. Learn how to properly implement a pixel, use the pixel helper and improve pixel performance.

What's a landing page view?

A landing page view is when a person lands on your ad's destination URL (landing page) after clicking on a link in your ad.

Important: In this context, "landing page" refers only to the destination URL that you choose during ad creation. It doesn't refer to your website's "home page" (which may be referred to as its "landing page" in other contexts) and won't send people there unless you choose it as your destination URL.

Optimising for landing page views requires a pixel.

Is that different from a link click?

Yes. A link click means that a person clicked on a link in your ad. The following scenarios are examples of link clicks that may not result in a landing page views:

  • A person clicks on a link accidentally and closes the page before it gets a chance to load
  • A person clicks on a link intentionally, but the page takes too long to load and the person closes it before it finishes

Optimising for landing page views is a way to improve the quality of the traffic that your site receives because of your ads.

What does it mean to "optimise" for something?

When creating an ad set, you choose an optimisation event. This choice tells our delivery system what result to try to get for you. For example, if you tell us to optimise for landing page views, we'll try to show your ad to the people we think are the most likely to land on its destination URL.

Can I optimise for landing page views?

If you meet the following criteria, yes:

  • Your ad set is part of a campaign with a Traffic or Conversions marketing objective
  • Your ad account has access to a properly-implemented pixel
  • Your website has the pixel base code installed on the page(s) you want to optimise for people landing on

If I can optimise for landing page views, should I?

It depends on your goal and/or ad format:

  • If your goal is to get more traffic on a specific page (or specific pages) of your website: We recommend landing page view optimisation over link click optimisation, as the former can improve traffic quality. We especially recommend it if you're trying to get people to land on a page (or pages) on their mobile devices.
  • If your goal is to get more conversions: We recommend trying to optimise for conversions first (consult our guides for best practices). However, conversion optimisation does not work for everyone. A conversion-optimised ad set needs to get about 50 of the conversion it's optimised for per week (though getting even more is better) to have a chance at being effective. If your ad set doesn't get that many per week, landing page views could be an effective alternative. They're also a good choice if you don't have lower-funnel events (e.g. a purchase conversion) set up with your pixel yet.
  • If your goal is to get more people viewing more content on your site overall (not landing on specific destination URLs of ads): We recommend optimising for ViewContent conversions instead of landing page views, as the former optimises for people to view any page on your site with that event added.

    Note: This means that you have to add that specific event to every page you want people to view. For landing page view optimisation, you only have to have the pixel base code on every page you want people to land on (we only optimise for people landing on your website after clicking on your ad).

    However, bear in mind that this type of optimisation is not available for ad sets in Traffic campaigns.

  • If you're using an ad format (e.g. Canvas, Offers, Messenger) that takes people to a Facebook Page or video: We recommend optimising for link clicks, not landing page views.

How do I start optimising for landing page views?

Assuming you meet the requirements, all you have to do is choose Landing page views as your optimisation event choice in ad set creation.

You may also want to implement some of our tips to improve mobile site performance to get the most out of landing page view optimisation.

Additional information

How is a landing page view different from a custom conversion?

A landing page view:

  • Has a fixed short attribution window and is only attributable to a link click (unlike a custom conversion, which could be attributed to a click or a view)
  • Can occur only once per link click (unlike a custom conversion, which can occur multiple times per link click/view)
  • Uses the PageView event, so it's available as part of the Facebook pixel base code (unlike a custom conversion, which requires you to set up a ViewContent custom event)

* Nguồn: Facebook