Clean up incorrect claims

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

If you’re using Content ID to identify and manage your content on YouTube, make sure to use it the right way. If you inadvertently claim videos you don't own, you could cause issues for video creators and it could hurt your reputation in the YouTube community.

A claim asserts ownership of a video's content. Abusive or fraudulent claims may result in penalties including legal liability and termination of partnership.

Avoid over-claiming

Most importantly, avoid over-claiming by understanding what kind of content is eligible for Content ID.

In addition, you must use the following features as needed to avoid over-claiming:

Clean up mistaken claims

In addition to preventing over-claiming, it’s important to clean up any old mistaken claims you may have made. Here are some best practices to help you efficiently and thoroughly clean up mistaken claims:

Review disputed claims and appealed disputes

Reviewing disputed claims and appealed disputes is one of the best ways to identify problems.

Be aware that one bad claim can lead you to thousands more. It often isn’t enough to release a single disputed claim. Make sure you also review the underlying reference and match policy.

Review top assets

For maximum cleanup efficiency, sort assets by number of active claims and review your top 25 performing assets.

Click an asset and view active claims. Do you have 100% exclusive rights to any of the material in these videos?

  1. If all claims are bad, deactivate the reference and release all claims on the reference.
  2. If some claims are bad, release the bad claims and take additional precautions to prevent future bad claims.

Review top claims

Review your top claims by sorting them by Lifetime Views.

Using the additional filters Claim Status and Partner Uploaded: No will allow you to focus solely on user-uploaded videos with active claims.

Remember that claims will lead you to the underlying asset and reference. You will need to fix the problem at the source, not merely the individual claim.

Use advanced filters to recognize patterns of problems

YouTube has a number of advanced filters you can experiment with to help you discover underlying patterns of problems. Restrict your search by asset type if you think only certain kinds of assets are causing the majority of your problems.

Similarly, you can restrict your search by claim status and origin. Is it only Video Matches that are the problem? Strictly Melody Matches? Experiment with the filters until you can isolate problems through pattern recognition.

Where are bad references coming from?

  • A specific channel? - Consider removing that channel’s ability to create reference files
  • A specific show? - Consider setting up a custom policy for that show
  • A specific part of your library? (For example, a segment of your catalog that contains public domain material) - Don’t enable Content ID matching

Deactivate reference files

If the majority of the claims a reference makes are bad, click the Deactivate Reference button for easy cleanup. Don’t forget to release all claims on user-uploaded videos on the reference too.

Clicking the button gives you an additional confirmation screen, and a checkbox to Release all claims as well.

* Nguồn: Youtube