Best practices for lead ads


To get the most out of lead ads on Facebook and Instagram, we've compiled a list of tips across: creative, targeting, instant forms, optimisation, measurement and lead follow-up. Click the topic below to navigate to the section of this guide.

Campaign setup

Set the right bid

You have two options for setting your bid: automatic bidding, where our ad auction system will adjust your bid to acquire the most leads as possible with your budget, or manual bidding, where you decide on the value each lead. If you're using manual bidding, it's best to start with a bid that represents how much you value each lead. For example, if a lead is worth GBP 5 to you, bid at least GBP 5. Lower bids may reduce the number of people in your target audience who see your ad.

Determine the right budget

Facebook and Instagram's global reach can scale your campaign quickly, but getting thousands of leads in a short time can overwhelm your call centres or teams who are nurturing these potential customers, making timely follow-up a challenge. Use pacing to understand lead volume and make sure that you're able to follow up in a timely and efficient manner. If you find that your business can manage the volume of leads, you can increase your daily budget. Be aware though, that segmenting your budget too broadly might make it harder for your ads to deliver as much as you intend them to.

Implement the Facebook pixel on your website

To most efficiently target, optimise and measure your lead ad campaign, you'll need to implement the Facebook pixel on your website and specify the conversion events you value, such as the redirect page on your website after someone completes a form.

Learn how to implement the Facebook pixel, standard events and custom conversion events.

Incorrect pixel setup can impact delivery, so ensure that the Facebook pixel is installed, verified and firing correctly. Download the Pixel Helper to validate your pixel.


Extend your reach

Using automatic placement, you can extend the reach of your campaign and enable us to deliver ads to people on Facebook and Instagram. When enabled, Automatic Placement optimises delivery to reach the most relevant people in a platform-agnostic manner.

Be aware of audience overlap

Audience overlap means that you're setting up several ad sets to deliver to audiences that contain some of the same people. Because our ad auction tries to avoid showing people too many ads from a single advertiser in a short period of time, audience overlap can explain why some of those ad sets may not be spending their full budgets.

Reach people who look like your best customers

Use Lookalike Audiences to reach people who look like your best customers. For lead ads, we recommend using Lookalike Audiences based on your existing customers, instead of people who completed the lead ads form, so you can reach the people that provide the most value to your business.

Learn more about Lookalike Audiences.

Reach people who engaged with your lead ad

Use engagement Custom Audiences to target people who started a form and didn't submit or target people who completed a form and need to be nurtured. Capitalise on this intent for a re-engagement or nurture campaign to advance them through the consumer journey.

Ad creative

Tell people what they're signing up for

With lead ads, it's important to ensure that people know what they're signing up for. You can use engaging visuals – such as video, the carousel format or slideshow – and promotional copy in the ad, call to-action (CTA) button and context card to let people know they have to sign up to receive your offer. For example, an education company looking to get sign-ups for online courses can use the carousel format to promote the different courses they have to offer with strong ad copy and a CTA button, letting their audience know that they can sign up to receive more information about the different online courses they offer.

Utilise thumb-stopping creative

To ensure that your ad captures attention in feed, use video, carousel or slideshow to promote what you have to offer. Make sure that it has a strong focal point, is well art-directed, leverages depth of space, is thoughtfully composed, and most importantly, evokes an emotive response from your audience that gets them to remember you and act.

Demonstrate brand identity

Remember, you are asking for personal information from the lead. Make sure that your brand is front and centre so that they know and trust who they are sharing their information with and requesting follow-up from.

Instant forms

Form length matters

Think about what information you are capturing on your contact form, or instant form, and what is absolutely critical compared to what are nice to haves. While more information is helpful when following up with the lead, the trade-off is that long form can materially impact form completion rates.

Keep open questions to a minimum

While open questions allow you to collect open-ended answers from your leads, a lot of text input can also tune people out from completing the form. As an alternative, try providing multiple choice answer options to collect similar information.

Limit multiple choice answer options

To minimise the amount of scrolling for multiple choice questions in the mobile environment, limit the number of answer options to three or four.

Use the context card

Context cards are not just a great way to share more details about your business but also a way to ensure the highest quality leads. Emphasise the value of what you're offering and what people can gain to maximise the intent of those who share the information. Also, let people know when and how they should expect to hear from you so that you can maximise conversion with those that submit their information.


Test form lengths

If you must have a long form, consider an A/B test where you measure completion rates, cost per lead and cost per conversion against the length of the form to determine the right trade-offs.

Consider differences between devices

If you value leads differently on mobile or desktop, have different pixel setups across mobile and desktop or have different follow-up actions from people (e.g. download a whitepaper or application), create separate ad sets with separate bids for mobile and desktop.

Responding to leads

Capture your leads immediately

We strongly recommend receiving leads automatically by using an integrated CRM partner or integrating with the Facebook API, instead of downloading your leads in a CSV manually. Time to follow up has a significant impact on leads quality, and manually downloading leads can result in a longer lag between receiving the lead and following up with the prospective customer.

See a complete list of integrated CRM partners.

Run lead ads during times when you can quickly follow up

If your business requires immediate follow-up, you can schedule your lead ad campaigns to run at times when you or your call centres operate so that you can immediately start a dialogue with the lead after they share their information.

Follow up when it's most convenient for the lead

Use the custom questions to find out when to best reach customers. Some may prefer to be reached on weekends and others in the evenings. Understanding when it's most convenient for those you're contacting will lend to a more positive experience and help to maximise conversion rates.

Ready to get started?

* Nguồn: Facebook