Create highlight clips


When you create a live stream, highlight clips can help you share a shorter, edited version of the live stream after it's over. How you create highlight clips depends on whether you use Stream now or Events.

Stream now

When you use Stream now, we'll automatically detect your stream resolution and frame rate.

  1. After the stream starts, click Create Highlight below the player.
  2. Use the player timeline to set the clip start and end time with Get player time.
  3. Click Upload to process a highlight clip. You can create multiple highlight clips.  
  4. You can see the processing files in the Uploads section of the Video Manager. You can also add metadata and custom thumbnails at any time.  


When you schedule a live stream with Events, you can create highlights without enabling Archive recording.

  1. Create your Event and start streaming with the sync to preview feature enabled.
  2. Use the Preview Player timeline to mark the in and out points with Create Highlight, Set Start, and Set End.
  3. Click Upload to process a highlight clip. You can create multiple highlight clips.
  4. You can see the processing files in the Uploads section of the Video Manager. You can also add metadata and custom thumbnails at any time.

* Nguồn: Youtube