Declare ownership of an asset

The YouTube XML format is being replaced by DDEX (music only) and CSV templates (all industries). YouTube strongly discourages any new implementations of the YouTube XML format. This page should be used solely as reference material for existing implementations. Visit Using the YouTube DDEX feed for more information about the new format.
The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

An <ownership> tag contains information about the owner of an asset or group of assets. It also contains other ownership data, such as the percentage of the asset that is owned and the territories where the asset is owned. YouTube does not assume that you own every asset that appears in your feed, so you must associate ownership data with each asset to specify the territories where you own it.

You update the ownership of an asset by defining the new ownership rules and associating the new <ownership> element with the asset using a relationship.

Ownership samples

Ownership for assets you own and administer worldwide

The XML snippet below specifies that you have worldwide ownership of an asset. It includes an empty <ownership> tag. This ownership data must then be associated with an asset, using a relationship to actually assign ownership of the asset to the feed provider.


Ownership for assets you own and administer in certain territories

If you do not own an asset worldwide, you need to define rules that identify the territories where you do have ownership. You can identify the territories in which you own the asset or the territories in which you don’t own the asset.

Example 1: You own an asset in the United States and Canada.

        <rule percentage="100">
          <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US CA

Example 2: You own an asset everywhere except Japan.

        <rule percentage="100">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">JP

Removing ownership for assets

You remove ownership from an asset by providing a new <ownership> tag with its ownership percentage set to 0 and associating it with the asset using a <relationship> tag. Setting the ownership to 0 removes the asset ownership in all territories.

  <ownership tag="noownershipww">
      <rule percentage="0">
        <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/external/asset[@id='ASSET_ID']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[@tag='noownershipww']"/>

Ownership for composition assets

For composition assets only, you can also specify that you only own particular publishing rights or that you only own a percentage of an asset in a territory. In addition, you can identify third-party publishers who own a percentage of the asset as well as their publishing rights and ownership territories. This is a common use case for record labels, which often provide ownership information for compositions that they do not administer but that are instead administered by music publishers.

Ownership samples for compositions

Ownership for compositions owned by third-party publishers

The following examples demonstrate how to specify ownership data for compositions that you do not own or administer. In these cases, the <owner> tag uses the type attribute to indicate that the named owner is a publisher that needs to be mapped to a content owner. In addition, the <owner> tag uses the name attribute to specify the publisher's name.

Example 1: A single publisher owns the composition worldwide.

      <owner type="publisher" name="XYZ Publishing">
        <rule percentage="100">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

Example 2: Several publishers share ownership of a composition.

This example shows ownership data for a composition that is entirely owned by one publisher in the United States but owned by three different publishers in the rest of the world:

      <owner type="publisher" name="XYZ Publishing">
        <rule percentage="100">
          <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US
      <owner type="publisher" name="XYZ Publishing">
        <rule percentage="50">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">US
      <owner type="publisher" name="ABC Publishing">
        <rule percentage="25">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">US
      <owner type="publisher" name="DEF Publishing">
        <rule percentage="25">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">US

Ownership for publishers who partially own compositions

A common use case is where you partially own and administer a composition, which a third-party publisher also partially owns and administers. In these cases, the <ownership> tag contains multiple <owner> tags, each of which provides information about a different owner of the composition.

The example below demonstrates how to provide ownership for a composition if you own and administer 67 percent of the composition and another publisher owns and administers the other 33 percent of the composition.

        <rule percentage="67">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

      <owner name="Andy the Publisher - Foo" type="publisher">
        <rule percentage="33">
          <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US CA

In this example, you are the first listed owner, and the <owner> tag specifies your content owner name. The other publisher's content owner name is unknown, so the second <owner> tag's type attribute is set to publisher rather than the default value (partner), and the name attribute does not need to contain a content owner name but can instead contain any string value. YouTube will then try to determine whether it has a deal in place directly with that publisher or with an administrative publisher or collection society that represents that publisher.

Ownership for publishers who own specific publishing rights

Another common use case for composition ownership is where you own specific publishing rights for the composition or even that you own a percentage of one or more publishing rights. Again, you can also identify owners of other publishing rights or the owners of the remaining percentage of partially owned publishing rights.

The example below indicates that you own sync rights worldwide and also own lyric, mechanical, and performance rights in the United States and Canada. In this example, both <owner> tags identify you.

      <owner sync="true">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

      <owner lyric="true" mechanical="true" performance="true">
          <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US CA

The next example indicates that you own sync rights worldwide and also owns 50 percent of mechanical and performance rights worldwide. It also identifies another publisher that owns the remaining 50 percent of the mechanical and performance rights. In this example, the first two <owner> tags identify you, and the third <owner> tag identifies the other publisher.

      <owner sync="true">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

      <owner mechanical="true" performance="true">
        <rule percentage="50">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

      <owner mechanical="true" performance="true">
        <rule percentage="50">
          <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

* Nguồn: Youtube