Claim videos

The YouTube XML format is being replaced by DDEX (music only) and CSV templates (all industries). YouTube strongly discourages any new implementations of the YouTube XML format. This page should be used solely as reference material for existing implementations. Visit Using the YouTube DDEX feed for more information about the new format.
The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

A claim links a partner- or user-uploaded video to an asset that the video matches. The claim indicates whether the video matches the audio, video, or audiovisual (audio and video) components of the asset’s reference. The claim also identifies the rights administrator who controls the asset and who is claiming the video. Finally, the claim specifies the policy that the rights administrator wants to apply to the claimed video.

The <claim> tag has attributes (asset, video, rights_admin, rights_policy) that you can use to identify the various claim components. All of the attributes are optional, but a claim will only become usable if it is actually linked to a video, an asset, a rights administrator, and a rights policy. As such, if you do not use the <claim> element's attributes to identify all of a claim's components, you will need to use relationships to associate the claim with its remaining components.

In addition, if you are uploading a reference file that will be available as a YouTube video and claiming that video, then you must also create relationships between the file and the video and between the file and the asset that it represents.

The examples below demonstrate different ways to create claims. The examples also define relationships to associate the asset and the video with the appropriate reference file. In the first example, all of the claim components are defined using the <claim> element's attributes. In the second example, the feed uses a relationship to link the claim components to the claim. In fact, your feed could also use a combination of these two approaches by setting values for some of the <claim> element's attributes and then using a relationship to link the claim to its remaining components.

Define the entire claim in the <claim> tag.

This example defines an entire claim in the <claim> tag. The claim identifies an asset, a video file, and a rights administrator who owns all rights to the partner-uploaded asset in all territories. Finally, the claim identifies a saved policy that YouTube should apply to the new claim.

   <asset type="web" tag="foo.mpg">
    <video tag="foo.mpg">
    <file type="video" tag="foo.mpg">

      <item path="/feed/file[@tag='foo.mpg']" />
      <related_item path="/feed/asset[@tag='foo.mpg']" />
      <related_item path="/feed/video[@tag='foo.mpg']" />


      <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='foo.mpg']"/>
      <related_item path="/feed/ownership[1]"/>

    <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage" tag="usage" />
    <rights_admin type="match" tag="match" />

      <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@tag='match']"/>
      <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"/>
      <related_item path="/feed/asset[1]"/>

    <claim type="audiovisual"
           rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"
           video="/feed/video[@tag='foo.mpg']" />

Use a relationship to identify the claim's components.

The <claim> tag's only required attribute is the type attribute, which specifies whether the administrator is claiming the audio, visual, or audiovisual component of the video. As such, your feed could use <claim> tags just to identify the type of claims you are submitting. You could then define relationships to complete the claims with asset, video and rights information. In a relationship, the claim, asset, rights administrator and rights policy are identified using <item> tags, while the claimed video is identified with a <related_item> tag.

The example below demonstrates how to define a claim with a relationship. The relationship identifies the same components as the previous example – an asset, a video file, a rights administrator who owns all rights to the partner-uploaded asset in all territories, and a saved policy that YouTube should apply to the new claim.

     <claim type="audio" tag="audio"/>
    <claim type="visual" tag="visual"/>
    <claim type="audiovisual" tag="audiovisual"/>

    <asset type="web" tag="foo.mpg">
      <title>Content Title
    <video tag="foo.mpg">
      <title>Content Title
      <keyword>keyword1, keyword2
    <file type="video" tag="foo.mpg">

      <item path="/feed/file[@tag='foo.mpg']" />
      <related_item path="/feed/asset[@tag='foo.mpg']" />
      <related_item path="/feed/video[@tag='foo.mpg']" />


      <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='foo.mpg']"/>
      <related_item path="/feed/ownership[1]"/>

    <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage" tag="usage" />
    <rights_admin type="match" tag="match" />

      <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@tag='match']"/>
      <item path="/external/rights_policy[@tag='default']"/>
      <related_item path="/feed/asset[1]"/>

    <rights_policy tag="default"/>

      <item path="/feed/claim[@type='audiovisual']" />
      <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='foo.mpg']" />
      <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@tag='usage']" />
      <item path="/feed/rights_policy[@tag='default']"/>
      <related_item path="/feed/video[@tag='foo.mpg']" />

Claim a previously uploaded video

To claim a previously uploaded video, define a claim in which the <claim> tag's video attribute specifies an XPath that identifies an existing video. The video being claimed could have been uploaded by any YouTube user, including a user whose account is linked to your content owner.

The example below claims a previously uploaded video as a match of an existing asset. You could also claim a video as a match of an asset created in the same feed as the claim.

<feed xmlns=""

  <rights_admin type="usage" owner="True"/>

    <rule action="monetize"/>

  <claim type="audiovisual"

If you are claiming an existing video that was uploaded to a YouTube user account that is linked to your content owner, you can also create a reference for the asset from the video's content. To do so, add XML to your feed to define a match policy for the asset and define a relationship that associates the asset with the video.

Update a claim

To alter a claim, submit a new claim in your feed, using either a <claim> tag or a relationship. If the new claim identifies the same asset and video, the rights policy defined in the new claim will replace the policy set for the existing claim.

* Nguồn: Youtube