Define rights administration

The YouTube XML format is being replaced by DDEX (music only) and CSV templates (all industries). YouTube strongly discourages any new implementations of the YouTube XML format. This page should be used solely as reference material for existing implementations. Visit Using the YouTube DDEX feed for more information about the new format.
The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

A <rights_admin> tag is required to set a policy for an asset. It indicates whether the policy will apply to partner-uploaded videos (a usage policy) or user-uploaded videos that match those partner videos (a match policy). When associated with a sound recording or audio reference it can also specify that the owner of the sound recording has cleared the rights to the composition embedded in the sound recording. The following instructions explain how to format and use the <rights_admin> tag in your feed:

  • Insert the following <rights_admin> tag once in your feed:

       <rights_admin owner="True" type="match"/>

    Then define a relationship to associate this tag with an asset and a rights policy to set the default match policy for the asset. For example, the relationship below assigns the same default match policy to all of the assets in a feed:

      <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']"/>
      <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all territories']"/>
      <related_item path="/feed/asset"/>
  • Also insert the following <rights_admin> tag once in your feed:

    <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage"/>

    Then identify this tag in each claim that you create to link one of your assets to a video that you have uploaded. A claim also specifies the policy that you want to apply to your video. The example below shows how to refer to this <rights_admin> tag in a claim.

    <claim type="audiovisual"
      rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"/>

To apply the same policy to partner- and user-uploaded videos, define one <rights_admin> tag and set its type attribute to "usage match".To specify different policies for partner-uploaded content than for claimed, user-uploaded videos, include two <rights_admin> tags in your feed, with different values for the type attribute but the same information for all other tags.

A relationship associates this tag with a rights policy to set the default match policy for an asset or group of assets. The tag can be inserted once in a feed and then associated with every asset in that feed.

* Nguồn: Youtube