Reading status reports

The YouTube XML format is being replaced by DDEX (music only) and CSV templates (all industries). YouTube strongly discourages any new implementations of the YouTube XML format. This page should be used solely as reference material for existing implementations. Visit Using the YouTube DDEX feed for more information about the new format.
The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

After processing a feed, YouTube posts an XML status report that identifies the actions that YouTube performed when processing the feed and indicates whether each action was processed successfully.

The <Feed> tag is the root element in a status report. Its subtags identify the feed uploader, the time that YouTube posted the status report, the original XML feed associated with the report, and a unique ID that YouTube uses to identify the attempt to process that feed. It also contains one <action> tag for each action performed in the feed.

The table below identifies the different actions identified in a status report and also lists the information that the status report returns for each action. You can see a sample status report. The Action name column values correspond to values of the <action> tag's name attribute. Note that some child elements may not be present if an action fails, whie the <status_detail> may only be present if the action fails.

Action name Child actions Description Child elements
Parse   This action indicates whether the feed parsed correctly. If a feed cannot be parsed, then none of the actions requested in the feed will be completed. If a feed can be parsed but contains non-fatal errors, such as the inclusion of an XML tag that is ignored for a particular asset, this action will be reported with a Success status, and the non-fatal errors will be reported within the Report error action. Note that if your XML feed sets the <feed> tag's strict attribute to True, then any parser error will be treated as a fatal error. <status>
Process asset Set metadata
Set ownership
Set rights policy
An asset has been inserted or updated. Its child actions identify specific changes to the asset. <command>
Set metadata   YouTube has set the asset metadata to match the values in the feed. <status>
Set ownership   YouTube has set the asset's ownership data to match the values in the feed. For this action, the <in_file> tag value contains an XPath that identifies the ownership rules associated with the asset. <in_file>
Set rights owner   YouTube has set the composition asset's owner to the publisher specified in the feed. A status report will contain one Set rights owner action for each owner of type publisher listed in the feed. For example, if three publishers share ownership of a composition, then the status report will contain three Set rights owner actions. <status>
Set rights policy   YouTube has set the match policy for the asset. YouTube will apply the match policy to user-uploaded videos that match the asset. For this action, the <in_file> tag value contains an XPath that identifies the policy. Note that a Set rights policy action is also reported when YouTube processes a claim, and during that process flow, the policy that is set is a usage policy. <policy>
Process file Submit reference
Submit video
Submit AudioSwap track
Submit image
Submit Timed Text
A file has been uploaded to YouTube. The child actions explain how the file is being used. For example, it could be used to create a reference (for an audio or video file), to set a custom thumbnail image for a video (for an image file), or to provide captions (timed text) for a video. An audio file might also be included in AudioSwap. <filename>
Submit reference   The file has been associated with an asset to create a reference. The <id> tags reported for this action will specify the reference ID of the new reference as well as the asset ID of the associated asset. If the reference is also being associated with a video, then this action will also contain an <id> tag that provides the video ID of that video. <command>
Submit video   A new YouTube video has been created using the content of the file. The <id> tag reported for this action will specify the video ID that YouTube assigned to uniquely identify the new video. <command>
Submit AudioSwap track   The sound recording file has been included in YouTube's AudioSwap program. <status>
Submit image   You have associated an image with a particular video. The <artwork> tag identifies the different types of images that you can associate with a video. Or you have set the custom thumbnail image for a video. <status>
Submit Timed Text   You have added a caption track to the video. <command>
Process claim Set rights policy
Claim video
YouTube has attempted to claim a video for your account and set a policy for that claim. If successful, this action will contain <id> tags that identify the video being claimed and the asset ID that matches the claimed video. <command>
Set rights policy   YouTube has attempted to set the usage policy for your video. A usage policy instructs YouTube on how to handle a video that you have uploaded.

Note that a Set rights policy action is also reported when YouTube processes an asset, and during that process flow, the policy that is set is a match policy.
Claim video   YouTube has claimed your uploaded video. The <in_file> tag specifies an XPath value that identifies that video in your XML feed. <status>
Update video   YouTube has attempted to update a video's metadata. The <id> tag reported for this action will specify the video ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, and the <in_file> tag contains an XPath that identifies that video in your XML feed. <command>
Update reference   YouTube has attempted to activate, deactivate, or delete a reference. The <id> tag reported for this action will specify the reference ID that YouTube uses to identify the reference, and the <in_file> tag contains an XPath that identifies the reference in your XML feed. If you successfully activate or deactivate the reference, the value of the <command> tag will be Update, and the value of the <command_detail> tag will be either Activate or Deactivate. If you successfully delete the reference, then the value of the <command> tag will be Delete. <command>
Set asset relationship   YouTube has attempted to associate two assets by indicating that one asset contains the other. For this action, the <in_file> tag will identify the relationship that associates the two assets in your feed. <in_file>
Set playlist   YouTube has created, updated, or deleted a playlist based on instructions in your feed. The <id> tag reported for this action will specify the playlist ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist, and the <in_file> tag contains an XPath that identifies the playlist in your XML feed. <command>
Report error   Your feed contained one or more non-fatal errors. A non-fatal error is essentially ignored by the parser. For example, a non-fatal error would occur if you included an unexpected metadata tag for an asset and did not set the strict attribute to true for your feed. In this case, YouTube would just ignore the unexpected tag. <status>

* Nguồn: Youtube