Expected metadata fields by asset type
The following lists identify expected metadata fields for each asset type that YouTube supports. Note that YouTube will still process your feed even if you include a supported, but unexpected, metadata tag for a particular asset type but will flag the value in the response feed. For example, YouTube will process a feed that tries to associate a TMS ID with a sound recording but will not actually create the association.
Music-oriented assets (composition, sound recording, music_video)
composition: |
music_video: |
sound_recording: |
TV show and movie assets (episode, movie, season, show, trailer)
There are special metadata requirements for videos that appear in the Shows or Movies categories on YouTube.com. When you upload your feed, YouTube's feed handler enforces the rules listed below for any asset that has its <shows_and_movies_programming> element set to True. Assets that do not meet the requirements will not be processed. (Videos for episode or movie assets that do not have the <shows_and_movies_programming> element set to True can instead be categorized in one of the categories for web videos.)
For episode, movie, or trailer assets, you must create a video and claim the video as a match of the asset. An asset that appears in the Shows or Movies section must be linked to exactly one video. You can specify values for certain metadata fields as part of the asset definition or the video definition. For example, you can identify the <director> as a subtag of the <asset> tag or the <video> tag. When YouTube processes your upload, these shared metadata tags are ultimately stored as part of the video regardless of where you specified them in the feed. If you subsequently update the values for these fields, you must update them on the video. See Update video metadata for more information.
If your feed contains information for a new trailer asset, the feed must also contain a relationship that identifies the movie that the trailer promotes.
episode: |
movie: |
season: |
show: keyword – Required. spoken_language – Required. |
trailer: |
Web video assets (web)
* Nguồn: Youtube