Guidelines for listing products in your shop


You can list as many products as you want in the shop on your Page. Here are the requirements and recommendations for adding product images, descriptions and variants.



  • At least one image is required for each product.
  • Each image must be of the product itself; it can't be a graphical representation (e.g. an illustration or icon) of the product


You should use images that:

  • Are easy to understand and show the whole product
  • Have a resolution of 1024 x 1024 or higher
  • Are in the square format
  • Show the product up close
  • Have white backdrops
  • Capture the product in real-life situations

You shouldn't use images that contain:

  • Text (e.g. calls to action or promo codes)
  • Offensive content (e.g. nudity, explicit language, violence)
  • Advertising or promotional material
  • Watermarks
  • Time-sensitive information (e.g. limited time price drops)



  • Rich text only (no HTML)


Your descriptions should:

  • Only provide information directly related to the product
  • Be short and easy to read
  • Highlight unique product features
  • Be grammatically correct and properly punctuated

Your descriptions shouldn't have:

  • HTML
  • Phone numbers or email addresses
  • Long titles
  • Excessive punctuation
  • All the letters capitalised or in lower case
  • Book or film spoilers



  • No more than four variants for a product

Note: A variant is something such as colour, length or size. Within a variant, you can have as many variant options as you want. For example, you can have colour as a variant for a pair of socks and red, blue, green, yellow and purple as the colour variant options.


  • Don't use abbreviations for variants (e.g. write "Large" instead of "L").
  • Use variants instead of listing one product multiple times.

Read our Commerce Product Merchant Agreement, and learn more about Facebook content guidelines.

* Nguồn: Facebook