Template Specifications for Ads That Click to Messenger


Standard Templates

A Standard Template is a default template that's prefilled with content based on best practices. It includes:

  • Greeting: A personalized greeting that welcomes a customer to the conversation, which can be edited. You can also change or remove personalization, which addresses your customers by name.

    You can create a custom greeting for your Page in Messaging Settings that will appear anytime someone messages your business for the first time, either organically or from an ad. If you make changes in Messaging Settings before creating an ad, those changes will carry over to your default greeting in the Standard Template. If you edit your greeting during ad creation, it will only change the text for this ad, not your Page greeting.

  • Frequently Asked Questions: A list of questions that people might want to ask your business. These questions are meant to help start and guide the conversation by suggesting message options for customers to send. Your default questions are pre-populated based on common questions for your Page's category. They can be edited. Maximum length per question is 60 characters.

Custom Templates

A Custom Template is an editable, build-your-own template that lets you add images, videos, buttons and more to your welcome experience. Custom templates can be saved and reused for future campaigns. Your custom template starts with a greeting, and then you can add the following elements to create your own experience:

Format: Choose how the main message of your welcome experience looks.

  • Text Only: A text greeting that can include personalization, which addresses a customer by name
  • Text & Image: A text greeting and an image, sent as two separate messages. Enter a headline and an optional description to appear underneath your image
  • Text & Video: A text greeting and a video, sent as two separate messages
Customer Actions: Make it easier for customers to reply by showing options for them to select.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Suggest three questions that customers might want to ask your business after seeing your ad. These are only available with the Text Only format.
  • Quick Replies: Show short replies that people can send to your business. You can add up to 10 quick replies that will appear side-by-side as options to select.
  • Buttons: Add up to 3 buttons to send people to a destination out of Messenger, such as a website. These are not available for Text & Video format.

Learn More

Tips and examples for inspiration while creating your template.

* Nguồn: Facebook