About Facebook pixel


The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions that people take on your website.

Set up the Facebook pixel by placing pixel code on the header of your website. When someone visits your website and takes an action (e.g. completing a purchase), the Facebook pixel is triggered and reports this action. This way, you'll know when a customer takes an action, and will be able to reach that customer again through future Facebook ads.


  • Reach the right people
  • Drive more sales
  • Measure the results of your ads

For full step-by-step instructions on creating your Facebook pixel, adding pixel to your site or modifying an existing pixel, visit the Facebook pixel setup guide.

How the Facebook pixel collects data

When you set up the Facebook pixel, we will start to receive information from your website. This information allows us to better target your ads and optimise your ads for conversions. You can also use this information to build website Custom Audiences and reach people who are likely to convert.

Once you implement the pixel base code, we will start to receive the following information:

  • HTTP headers – Anything present in HTTP headers. HTTP headers are a standard web protocol sent between any browser and any server on the Internet. HTTP headers include IP addresses, information about the web browser, page location, document, referrer and device.
  • Pixel-specific data – Includes pixel ID and the Facebook cookie.
  • Button-click data – Includes any buttons clicked by site visitors, the labels of those buttons and any pages visited as a result of the button clicks. It also includes website form field names such as "email", "address" and "quantity" for when you purchase a product or service. We don't capture form field values unless you include them as part of advanced matching or optional values.
  • Page metadata - Includes page descriptions, tags and keywords. This is the same data typically used by search engines and other web services to rank pages.
See our Cookie Policy for details about the cookies used and the information received.

* Nguồn: Facebook