Google Campaign Manager (DoubleClick Campaign Manager)


Install click and impression tags to your off-Facebook media so that you can get a more complete picture of your conversion path. Then, import mapping data to make your dashboards and reports easy to understand. For example, with cost mapping, you can see return on ad spend (ROAS) and cost metrics.

In Facebook Attribution:

  1. Go to Settings, then click Ad Platforms.
  2. Click Add a Platform.
  3. Select Google Campaign Manager from the list, then click Choose.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to navigate to the platform, install the tags, and set up the campaign mapping and cost mapping import. You can also reference the instructions below.

Install Tags

Facebook Attribution provides dynamic and site-served tags for Google Campaign Manager. The dynamic tags leverage macros within Google Campaign Manager to scale and simplify campaign creation and tag setup. If you have site-served ads, you'll need to create separate tags for each of your 1x1 placements.

Dynamic Tags

Install dynamic tags at the advertiser level to automatically capture click and impression data for all of your campaigns. If you choose to track individual campaigns, you'll need to install the tags manually on each new campaign. If you need to track custom parameters like Creative ID, tags can be customized during tag creation in Facebook Attribution. If you choose to add them later, you'll have to reinstall your tags.

Note: Dynamic tags are only supported for placements that Google Campaign Manager is serving. If you have site-served ads, read more about site-served tags below.

  1. Log in to Google Campaign Manager.
  2. Select Trafficking from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Advertisers > Properties.
  4. Expand the Event tags section.
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  1. Under Impression event tags, select Advertiser tags.
  2. Click New impression event tag.
  3. Enter a name for the tag. For Application, select Apply automatically. For Enabled, leave as Yes.
  4. To collect viewability signals with the Javascript version of the impression event tag, set the Tag Type to Script and be sure to use the URL from the Javascript version of the Facebook-provided impression tag. Otherwise, set the Tag Type to Image and use the URL version of the impression tag.
  5. In the Tag URL field, paste the Facebook-provided impression tag, then click Save.
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Note: If you have an existing click event tag, you'll need to chain, or concatenate, the click tags together. Facebook-provided click tags are auto-enabled to redirect to other click event tags. The final chained click tag would appear like the example below:;adv=1111111111111;c.a=12345;p.a=12345; a.a=12345;qpb=1;cache=12345;?h=

  1. Under Click event tags, select Advertiser tags.
  2. Click New click event tag.
  3. Enter a name for the tag. For Enabled, leave as Yes.
  4. In the Tag URL field, paste the Facebook-provided click tag, then click Save.
  5. Click Applied tag, then select the tag you just created.
  6. Click Save.
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Site-Served Tags

If you need to install site-served tags for Google Campaign Manager, you have two options:

Option 1: Set up a Display redirect creative within Google Campaign Manager.

  1. In a Google Campaign Manager campaign, click New, then select the Display redirect creative.
  2. Enter a name in the Creative name field, then select 1x1 from the Dimensions dropdown menu.
  3. Paste the Facebook-provided impression tag in the Third-party URL field.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click New, then select the Standard ad.
  6. Enter a name in the Ad name field and set the Status to Active. In the Creative assignments section, choose the display redirect creative you just created.
  7. Assign the ad you created to all site-served placements within your campaign.

Option 2: Upload a list of site-served ads to create tags. Then, send the tags to each publisher to install in their website (or app). You'll need to repeat this process of creating and installing tags for each new ad before it goes live.

  1. Log in to your ad platform.
  2. Download a spreadsheet of the ads you'd like to add click or impression tags to. You may need to create a report to export this type of spreadsheet. Include the following information:

    Campaign name, Campaign ID, Site name, Site ID, Placement name, Placement ID, Ad name, Ad ID
  3. Download the Facebook-provided import template.
  4. Copy the data from the exported spreadsheet into the Facebook-provided import template by matching the data to the column headers. Note: Modifying the column headers in the import template will cause the import to fail.
  5. Save and close the updated import template.
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In Facebook Attribution:

  1. Go to Settings, then click Ad Platforms.
  2. Click on the name of the platform that you're importing site-served ads for to view more details.
  3. In the Platform section, click Import > Site-Served Ads.
  4. Upload your report that contains the mapping data.
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  1. Shortly after importing site-served ads, you'll receive a notification with the option to download your tags.
  2. Open the spreadsheet of site-served tags and copy the rows applicable to each platform or publisher into a separate document or email.
  3. Send the tags to each platform or publisher to install them to your off-Facebook media.
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Import Mapping and Cost Data

Import mapping data to make your dashboards and reports easy to understand. With campaign mapping, you can see campaign and placement names instead of ID numbers. With cost mapping, you can see return on ad spend (ROAS) and cost metrics.

Automated Import (Recommended)

  1. Go to Google Campaign Manager.
  2. Select Reporting & Attribution from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Report Builder, then click New Report and select a standard report.
  4. Enter a name for the report. For File type, select CSV. For Date Range, select Yesterday.
  5. For Filters, select the accounts or campaigns where tags are currently installed.
  6. For Dimensions and Metrics, select the following:

    Date, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Site (DCM), Site ID (DCM), Placement, Placement ID, Ad, Ad ID, Ad Type, Impressions, Clicks, Media Cost

  7. Under Schedule, click to check the box next to Active. For Repeats, select Daily. For Every, select 1 day. For Starts, select today's date. This report will run until it expires, so set Expires to a date as far into the future as possible.
  8. For Share with, click Add people and paste the Facebook-provided Mapping Import Email and Cost Import Email addresses, as applicable. Click Save.
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  1. Go to Google Campaign Manager.
  2. Select Reporting & Attribution from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Report Builder, then click New Report and select a standard report.
  4. Enter a name for the report. For File type, select CSV. For Date Range, select Yesterday.
  5. For Filters, select the accounts or campaigns where tags are currently installed.
  6. For Dimensions and Metrics, select the following:

    Date, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Site (DCM), Site ID (DCM), Placement, Placement ID, Ad, Ad ID, Ad Type, Impressions, Clicks

  7. Under Schedule, click to check the box next to Active. For Repeats, select Daily. For Every, select 1 day. For Starts, select today's date. This report will run until it expires, so set Expires to a date as far into the future as possible.
  8. For Share with, click Add people and paste the Facebook-provided Mapping Import Email and Cost Import Email addresses, as applicable. Click Save.
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Manual Import

  1. Go to Google Campaign Manager.
  2. Select Reporting & Attribution from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Report Builder, then click New Report and select a standard report.
  4. Enter a name for the report. For File type, select CSV. For Date Range, select Yesterday.
  5. For Filters, select the accounts or campaigns where tags are currently installed.
  6. For Dimensions and Metrics, select the following:

    Date, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Site (DCM), Site ID (DCM), Placement, Placement ID, Ad, Ad ID, Ad Type, Impressions, Clicks, Media Cost

  7. Under Schedule, click to check the Active box. For Repeats, select Weekly. For Every, select 1 week. For Starts, select today's date. This report will run until it expires, so set Expires to a date as far into the future as possible.
  8. Under Delivery, check the box next to Email owner and select Attachment from the dropdown menu. Click Save.
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Mỗi khi thêm hay đổi tên chiến dịch, vị trí quảng cáo hoặc nhóm quảng cáo, bạn cần nhập dữ liệu đối ghép theo cách thủ công. Bạn nên nhập ít nhất một lần mỗi tuần để duy trì tính nhất quán.

Trong Phân bổ trên Facebook:

  1. Đi tới Cài đặt, sau đó nhấp vào Thêm nền tảng.
  2. Nhấp vào tên của nền tảng mà bạn đang nhập dữ liệu đối ghép để xem thêm chi tiết.
  3. Trong phần Nền tảng, nhấp vào Nhập > Dữ liệu đối ghép.
  4. Tải lên báo cáo chứa dữ liệu đối ghép.
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Để báo cáo chính xác, bạn nên nhập dữ liệu chi phí ít nhất mỗi tuần một lần.

Trong Phân bổ trên Facebook:

  1. Đi tới Cài đặt, sau đó nhấp vào Thêm nền tảng.
  2. Nhấp vào tên của nền tảng mà bạn đang nhập chi phí để xem thêm chi tiết.
  3. Trong phần Nền tảng, hãy nhấp vào Nhập > Dữ liệu chi phí.
  4. Tải lên báo cáo chứa dữ liệu chi phí.
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* Nguồn: Facebook