Upload videos


✅ Computer

You can upload videos to YouTube in a few easy steps. Use the instructions below to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile device.

Upload videos

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. At the top of the page, click Upload .
  3. Select Upload video.
  4. Before you start uploading the video, you can choose the video privacy settings.
  5. Select the video you'd like to upload from your computer. You can also import a video from Google Photos.
  6. As the video is uploading, you can edit both the basic information and the advanced settings of the video and decide if you want to notify subscribers (if you uncheck this option, no communication will be shared with your subscribers). Partners will also be able to adjust their Monetization settings. You can have a title up to 100 characters and a description up to 5,000 characters.
  7. Click Publish to finish uploading a public video to YouTube. If you set the video privacy setting to Private or Unlisted, just click Done to finish the upload or click Share to privately share your video.
  8. If you haven’t clicked Publish, your video won’t be viewable by other people. You can always publish your video at a later time in your Video Manager.

Once the upload is completed we will send you an email to notify you that your video is done uploading and processing. You can then forward that email to friends or family for easy sharing. If you prefer not to receive notification, you can opt out by visiting your email settings.

Publish videos with any aspect ratio

After you publish a video, YouTube automatically changes the player to fit the video size.
  1. Don’t burn-in bars, as this prevents YouTube from displaying your video in the best way.
  2. Follow the steps to publish your video.
When you publish your video, YouTube will determine the best way to display the content. Whether the video is vertical, square, or horizontal, the video will fit the screen.
For the best viewing experience on all devices, follow the steps above. The player automatically adjusts to the video on the YouTube mobile app and desktop.


"Published on" date on watch page

When you make a video public on YouTube, the "published on" date on the watch page is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you want to make a video public with a specific date on the watch page, make sure that your video is uploaded or scheduled to go public for that date in Pacific Standard Time.

You may see a different publishing date on the watch page than the one you see in your Video Manager if you:

  • Upload a public video in a timezone ahead of PST
  • Schedule a private video to go public at a specific time in a timezone ahead of PST
If you're having trouble signing in, make sure you're using the email address associated with your Google account.

✅ Android

You can upload videos to YouTube in a few easy steps. Use the instructions below to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile device.

Upload videos

The in-app camera feature is not currently available on Android Marshmallow. It's coming soon!

Use the YouTube Android app to upload videos by recording a new video or selecting an existing one:

  1. Sign in to YouTube and your desired channel.
  2. Tap the camera at the top of the home page from any navigation page.
  3. Record a new video or select an existing one to upload.
    • To record a new video: Tap the video camera icon and begin recording.
    • To select an existing video: Use the gallery to select your video.
  4. Apply optional enhancements to your video and tap Next.
  5. Adjust your video's title, description, and privacy settings. You can have a title up to 100 characters and a description up to 5,000 characters.
  6. Tap Upload.

You can also change the type of connection used to upload videos.

  1. Go to your account icon .
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap General.
  4. Tap Uploads.
  5. Use this setting to restrict uploads to Wi-Fi only.
Sometimes we begin uploading your video while you are recording the video. We never publish a video without your consent.

Publish videos with any aspect ratio

After you publish a video, YouTube automatically changes the player to fit the video size.
  1. Don’t burn-in bars, as this prevents YouTube from displaying your video in the best way.
  2. Follow the steps to publish your video.
When you publish your video, YouTube will determine the best way to display the content. Whether the video is vertical, square, or horizontal, the video will fit the screen.
For the best viewing experience on all devices, follow the steps above. The player automatically adjusts to the video on the YouTube mobile app and desktop.


"Published on" date on watch page

When you make a video public on YouTube, the "published on" date on the watch page is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you want to make a video public with a specific date on the watch page, make sure that your video is uploaded or scheduled to go public for that date in Pacific Standard Time.

You may see a different publishing date on the watch page than the one you see in your Video Manager if you:

  • Upload a public video in a timezone ahead of PST
  • Schedule a private video to go public at a specific time in a timezone ahead of PST
If you're having trouble signing in, make sure you're using the email address associated with your Google account.

✅ iPhone & iPad

You can upload videos to YouTube in a few easy steps. Use the instructions below to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile device.

Upload videos

Use the YouTube iOS app to upload videos by recording a new video or selecting an existing one:

  1. Sign in to YouTube and your desired channel.
  2. Tap the camera at the top of the home page.
  3. Record a new video or select an existing one to upload.
    • To record a new video: Tap the video camera icon and begin recording.
    • To select an existing video: Use the gallery to select your video.
  4. Apply optional enhancements to your video and tap Next.
  5. Adjust your video's title, description, and privacy settings. You can have a title up to 100 characters and a description up to 5,000 characters.
  6. Tap Upload.

You can also change the quality and type of connection used to upload videos.

  1. Go to your account icon .
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Go to "Uploads" section.

Sometimes we begin uploading your video while you are recording the video. We never publish a video without your consent.

Publish videos with any aspect ratio

After you publish a video, YouTube automatically changes the player to fit the video size.
  1. Don’t burn-in bars, as this prevents YouTube from displaying your video in the best way.
  2. Follow the steps to publish your video.
When you publish your video, YouTube will determine the best way to display the content. Whether the video is vertical, square, or horizontal, the video will fit the screen.
For the best viewing experience on all devices, follow the steps above. The player automatically adjusts to the video on the YouTube mobile app and desktop.


"Published on" date on watch page

When you make a video public on YouTube, the "published on" date on the watch page is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you want to make a video public with a specific date on the watch page, make sure that your video is uploaded or scheduled to go public for that date in Pacific Standard Time.

You may see a different publishing date on the watch page than the one you see in your Video Manager if you:

  • Upload a public video in a timezone ahead of PST
  • Schedule a private video to go public at a specific time in a timezone ahead of PST
If you're having trouble signing in, make sure you're using the email address associated with your Google account.

* Nguồn: Youtube