View, organize, or delete comments

If a video's owner has enabled comments, you can post comments and like, dislike, or reply to other people's comments on a video.

View comments on videos

To view comments on a video, just scroll down the video's page. Replies are threaded to make it easy to follow conversations. All comments on YouTube are public and anyone can reply to a comment that you post.

If you can't find a comment after you receive a notification it is possible that the comment has already been removed. Comments can be removed by the person who posted them, the channel owner, or for policy violations.

If you see a comment that you think is inappropriate, you can flag it as spam or abuse. If you're a creator, you can also use the comment moderation tools to manage comments on your videos.

Note: YouTube apps don't yet support all comment features. We're working on updating the apps, but in the meantime, you can sign in to the YouTube mobile website from your device's browser to like or dislike comments.

View your comment history

You can view public comments you’ve left across YouTube.

  1. Go to Comment History.
  2. At the top of the page, click Comments on videos history.
  3. To go to the original place you posted your comment, click or tap the content.

If you commented on a video that has been deleted, or if your comment was removed by YouTube for a policy violation, it will not appear in this history.

Get shareable link for a comment

You can click or tap a comment's timestamp to create a highlighted comment link. This will give you a shareable link in the address bar for that specific comment and its thread.

Change what comments show first

On the web, you can change how comments show under a video. Just use the drop-down menu to choose Top comments or Newest comments.

Click on the timestamp to create a 'Highlighted Comment' link. This will isolate your comment thread and provide a shareable link in the address bar.

Delete comments

  1. Go to Comment History.
  2. Next to the comment, click or tap More .
  3. Select Edit or Delete.

* Nguồn: Youtube