Subscriber counts


The number of users subscribed to your YouTube channel is a metric that reflects how many people are following your channel. Subscriber numbers displayed in the following places update in real time:

  • Your channel page
  • Account switcher
  • Video watch page
  • Third-party sites and applications using the YouTube Data API

The number of subscribers that you see in YouTube Analytics may be different than the subscriber count on your YouTube channel. The number in YouTube Analytics is delayed by approximately 48 hours. This is because we want to make sure the numbers are 100% accurate, so we perform additional verification and spam reviews.

Removing spammy subscribers

We regularly verify the legitimacy of the accounts that are subscribed to your YouTube channel. This is part of a process to ensure that our site metrics are free of spam and abuse and to keep YouTube a fair playing field for everyone. It’s important that subscriber numbers stay meaningful to ensure that, when your sub count grows, it’s because you’re building a community of real fans who will keep watching and supporting you.

Suspended accounts and subscribers that are identified as spam will not count toward your total number of subscribers and won't show in your subscriber list. These are not active viewers, so their removal shouldn’t impact your views or watch time.

These users will not be unsubscribed from your channel. To the user, it will still appear that they're subscribed, and they'll continue to receive your videos in their Subscriptions feed.

Gaining subscribers through artificial means

We believe that growing your channel should be done by creating quality content that entices viewers to subscribe and not through artificial or coordinated exchanges.

Offering to subscribe to another creator’s channel solely in exchange for them subscribing to your channel, also known as "Sub4Sub," is not allowed. Creators who offer such exchanges risk losing subscriber numbers, receiving a Terms of Use strike, or even having their channel terminated.

Additionally, services that attempt to boost YouTube subscriber numbers through automated means or via a marketplace violate our Terms of Service, such as:

  • Purchasing subscribers from third-party websites
  • "Sub4sub" exchanges and services from third-party websites that subscribe you to multiple channels which then subscribe to you back

It's okay to subscribe to a friend's channel and vice versa, or to ask your audience to subscribe to your channel. However, if you do this as part of an exchange it's not allowed.

Changes to subscriber count

Learn more about why your subscriber count may change.

* Nguồn: Youtube