Deliver content using spreadsheet templates

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

YouTube provides a collection of spreadsheet templates that you can use to provide the metadata for content files you're delivering to YouTube. Each row in a spreadsheet represents the metadata for a unique asset in the YouTube rights management system.

There is a separate template for each type of content you can upload to YouTube (such as audio recordings, movies, television shows, and web videos), and for different monetization options (such as ad-supported, purchase, or reference only).

To deliver content files using the spreadsheet:

  1. Download the appropriate spreadsheet template for the type of content you are delivering.

    Choose the template from the Content Delivery Templates page. You can download the template as a CSV file or open the template in Google Sheets (recommended).

    See the list below for information about the available templates. If the spreadsheet for your content type doesn't appear, contact your Google partner manager

  2. Enter the metadata for your content into the spreadsheet, one item per row.

    The spreadsheet template includes instructions about the data to add in each column. See Spreadsheet formatting guidelines for general guidelines.

  3. If you entered the data into Google Sheets, download the completed sheet as a comma-separated values (.csv) file.

  4. Validate the spreadsheet metadata.

    Validation flags any issues with your spreadsheet and may prevent upload failures. If your file is updating data only — that is, if it doesn't refer to any media files — you have the option to upload your changes from the Metadata validator.

  5. Upload the spreadsheet and the referenced media files using the Package Uploader or your dropbox.

YouTube's collection includes spreadsheet templates that enable you to update the metadata for previously delivered videos. You can update multiple videos at once using a spreadsheet.

The table below lists the available templates and the maximum number of rows in a single spreadsheet based on the template.

Template Purpose Max rows
Asset Update Update the metadata for previously delivered video assets by providing their asset IDs or custom IDs. (The other available update templates identify videos by their video IDs.) You can't replace media files using the template. 2000
Audio - Art Tracks Create art tracks from sound recordings. 2000
Audio - Composition Provide information about your publishing rights for musical compositions. You don't upload any media files for compositions; YouTube uses the rights information for Content ID or AudioSwap. 3000
Audio - Sound Recording Deliver or update sound recordings used with Content ID or AudioSwap. Use this template if you don't control any music publishing rights for the compositions that are in the sound recordings you upload. YouTube doesn't create art tracks for recordings uploaded with this template; use the "Audio - Art Tracks" template to create art tracks. 2000
Movie - Monetize with Ads Deliver movies that you plan to monetize using advertisements. 500
Movie - Reference Only Deliver movies that you don't plan to make available for viewing on YouTube. YouTube uses the movie media files for Content ID matching. 500
Movie - Rental or Purchase Deliver movies that you plan to make available for rental or purchase. Use this template when you have a video Order ID. 500
Movie - Update Update the metadata for previously delivered movies (ad-supported, rental, or purchase). You can't replace media files using the template. 500
Music Video Deliver premium music videos and make them available for viewing on YouTube. 2000
Music Video - Reference Only Deliver premium music videos for Content ID matching, without making the video available for viewing on YouTube. 2000
Music Video - Update Update the metadata for previously delivered music videos. You can't replace media files using the template. 2000
Playlist - Management Add and delete videos from a playlist 2000
Reference - Management Activate, deactivate, and delete references 2000
TV Episode - Monetize with Ads Deliver individual episodes of television shows. You must create the TV Shows and TV Seasons before delivering episodes. 1000
TV Episode - Rental or Purchase Deliver individual episodes of television shows. You must create the TV Shows and TV Seasons before delivering episodes. 1000
TV Episode - Reference Only Deliver individual episodes of television shows for Content ID matching, without making them available for viewing on YouTube. 1000
TV Episode - Update Update the metadata for previously delivered television episodes (ad-supported or purchase). You can't replace media files using the template. 1000
TV Show Create television show assets. You must create a show before you can add seasons or episodes for the show. 1000
TV Season Create seasons for previously created television shows. You must create seasons before you can add episodes for the show. 1000
Unlink Music Asset Unlink music assets.  Labels can break links between Music Video and Sound Recording assets.  Publishers can break links between Sound Recordings and Compositions. 2000
Video - Localization Update Provide localized metadata, captions, and audio for previously delivered videos. 2000
Web Video Deliver web videos and make them available for viewing on YouTube. 2000
Web Video - Reference Only Deliver web videos for Content ID matching, without making the video available for viewing on YouTube. 2000
Web Video - Update Update the metadata for previously delivered web videos. You can't replace media files using the template. 2000

* Nguồn: Youtube