About feeds and business data


You can upload and manage multiple data feeds in your account for use across your campaigns in Google Ads. Business data is where you provide and manage data sources for ads, extensions, and targeting. Business data lets you review the upload history and the status of your ads at a glance. You can also view the overall clicks, impressions, and campaigns associated with your business data feeds.

What's kept in business data

When you go to the Business data section of your Google Ads account, you'll see a table with the data associated with your account. Ad customizer, ad extension, location targeting and dynamic display ad data can appear here.

Ad customizer data

Ad customizers are parameters that adapt your text ad to the context of a user’s search (for ads on the Search Network), or the website someone’s browsing (for ads on the Display Network).

  • Ad customizers use ad customizer data to dynamically modify ad text.
  • You upload your ad customizer data within the Business data section of your Google Ads account.
Learn how to create ad customizers.

Dynamic display ads feeds

If you want to dynamically populate your ads with your products or services, you'll create a dynamic display ads feed. This type of feed is a inventory of your products or services that's sourced to create ads.

  • Rows are products or services. Columns are attributes of each product or service, such as images or prices.
  • You upload your feed to the Business data section of your Google Ads account.
  • You associate your feed with your dynamic remarketing campaign.
Learn more about dynamic display ads feeds.

Ad extension data

Google Ads creates ad extension data in the Business data section of your Google Ads account, any time you add or edit an ad extension. You might see, for example, a “Main sitelink feed” with the sitelink text and URLs of your sitelinks extensions.

  • Click on any item to see the approval status, policy details, and performance stats of that extension.
  • Use this interface to edit the extensions you share across multiple entities (like campaigns or ad groups).
  • You’ll see only one entry for the data associated with each extension, even when you share that extension across entities.
  • You can edit the data for your extensions, but in order to add new extensions, visit Learn more about ad extensions.

Location targeting data feeds

You can upload location targeting data to target your ads in multiple geographical locations across campaigns. Use this interface to also target areas where:

  • You don’t own the places that distribute your products, like car dealerships.
  • Your products or services might be appealing to customers visiting venues relevant to what you offer. For example, you could target fans of a baseball team by targeting that team’s stadium location.
Learn how to create location targeting data.

* Nguồn: Google