Offline Disk Import


YouTube's Offline Disk Import facility enables you to deliver basically unlimited amounts of content to YouTube without operational or bandwidth cost. Just put the content along with its metadata on a hard disk, then ship the disk to one of the Google offices that have an upload station (or drop it off in person).

We have Offline Disk Import stations available in more than 20 countries around the world and we support multiple disk and file system formats. If you are not in one of these countries, you can still use the service but you are potentially subject to import/export restrictions and international shipping delays. Also, we cannot guarantee to ship disks back to you.

The service is available to all partners who have an assigned Partner Technology Manager. If you have a lot of content that you want to deliver to YouTube, but are not a directly managed partner, check out our partner program overview.

How to import a disk

  1. Click HDD Delivery link that appears under CONTENT DELIVERY in the left-side menu.

    This option will be available to you once your Partner Technology Manager enables your account for Offline Disk Import.
  2. Click New Order.

    Provide all the details related to the disk you will ship.  Enter the serial number with care as it will be the main identification number for the actual upload once YouTube receives the disk.  If you are unsure where to find the serial number, take a picture and check with your Partner Technology Manager.
  3. Select an Upload Center.

    Pick the Upload Center in your country or, if there is none, the one that is closest to you.

* Nguồn: Youtube