Manage ownership of an asset

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager.

It is important to understand asset ownership and to keep the ownership information up to date. Ownership impacts the territorial application of usage and match policies for videos associated with the asset. Most significantly, your policies apply only in countries where you own the asset. For example, if your policy says to monetize a video worldwide but you own the asset in the United States only, YouTube shows advertisements on the video in the United States only.

Multiple partners can declare ownership of the same asset, as long as their ownership doesn't overlap in any countries. YouTube applies each partner's policies in the countries where they own the asset (see examples). If ownership claims do overlap, you'll need to resolve the ownership conflict before your policy applies.

When you own an asset only in certain territories, you can choose to block the associated YouTube video in territories where you don't own the asset.

Because ownership affects where and how videos show on YouTube, it is important to update ownership information when it changes, such as when you license content to someone in particular territories.

You set the ownership for an asset when you deliver it using a spreadsheet template or an Content and Rights Administration Feed file. You can view or edit the ownership information on the Ownership & Policy tab on the details page for the asset.

To view or update ownership details for an asset:

  1. From the Assets page, select the asset whose ownership details you want to update.

    Click the asset name to display the details page for that asset.

  2. Click the Ownership & Policy tab.

    The page shows the current ownership details and the match policy applied to user-generated videos claimed using this asset (if applicable). By default, the page shows the ownership actually applied to the asset in the territory shown in the Filter box, after all owners' claims are taken into account; to see the ownership each owner provided for the asset, select As Provided from the View drop-down list.

    Should you wish to contact one of the content owners listed on the As Provided view, click their name to open up a pre-populated contact form to communicate with them about the particular asset.

  3. To update the ownership information, click the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the Ownership section.

  4. Specify the territories in which you own the asset.

    You can list the territories in which you own the asset or the territories in which you don't own the asset, whichever is easier. After selecting owns this asset in(the default) or owns this asset everywhere except, click in the box and select a territory. Repeat this process until you've selected all of the relevant territories.

  5. Click Save.

* Nguồn: Youtube