To Dos

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

Within the Content ID tab of your Content Manager homepage is your To Dos queue. Please note that the queues will only be visible when you have action items in your To Dos queue. It’s best practice to make sure that this queue is always cleared up. Not reviewing your claims may result in lost revenue, and claims expire permanently after 30 days of inaction.

To Do items may include:

  • Reference Overlaps
  • Ownership Conflicts
  • Proposed Relationships
  • Potential Claims
  • Disputed Claims
  • Appealed Claims
  • Invalid References

Clicking on each section within the To Dos queue provides the exact sources of conflict which you’ll need to address. For example:  

  • Review your potentially Invalid References, and confirm that a segment is valid or should be excluded; claims made against this reference portion will all be routed for manual review until the potentially invalid reference segment is addressed.

  • Review your Reference Overlaps, and communicate directly with the other partner and specify which party owns the exclusive rights to overlapping sections. This allows Content ID to correctly execute claims.  Some users list ways they can be contacted in their channel. Learn more about how to contact other users here.

  • Review your Proposed Relationships, and confirm the Sound Recording assets where you may want your Composition Share to be embedded in.

  • Asset ownership conflicts arise when multiple Content Owners claim asset ownership percentages that add up to over 100% in a specific territory. Review the asset details to ensure that your ownership is up to date, and contact the other owners to resolve the conflict.  

    • Remember to ensure that you are only adding ownership in the correct territories (where you have 100% ownership) in order to avoid ownership conflicts.

Keep in mind that as a Content Owner, you likely have many assets and claims. This can increase the potential for your To Dos queue to become very large. To help with this, it’s best practice to approach your queue strategically.

  • For example, policies are inactive while a claim is being disputed. Sort your disputed claims by lifetime views, instead of the default setting (expiration date), so that you can quickly identify high priority claims to address.

* Nguồn: Youtube