Set up ad customizers


Ad customizers adapt your ads to the real-time context of your potential customers—what they're searching for, where they're browsing, what device they're using, and when they're looking at your ad. Learn more about their benefits, or get started by following the steps below. You'll create ad customizer data first, and then set up ad text with customizers in each ad group that you want to reference that data

Create ad customizer data

First, define your attributes:

  1. Download the ad customizer data template (.csv).
  2. Define the custom attributes (details) that you want each customizer to show.
    • The template includes sample custom attributes in columns A to E. Replace these sample custom attributes with your own attributes and remove any extra columns.
    • Make sure all your attributes specify an attribute type, in an Attribute (AttributeType) format. See all attribute types.
    • For example, the "Model" attribute in column A, a custom attribute, specifies "text" for the data that column includes, and appears as "Model (text)"
    • It's best not to include spaces in your attributes' names.
  3. (Optional) To make advanced configurations, like scheduling and device preferences, include standard attributes as well.

Second, define your targeting:

  1. The ad customizer data template (.csv) includes optional targeting attributes in columns F to H.
    • You can keep multiple targeting columns: to customize your ads for the same keyword in different campaigns, for example, use both the "Target keyword" and "Target campaign" columns.
    • To target by ad group, you'll need to include both the "Target ad group" and "Target campaign" columns.
  2. Remove any columns you don't want (could be all of them, if you'd like your customizers to be eligible across your account), or add different targeting attributes.
  3. If you're targeting by keyword, you have two options.
    • Use the "Target keyword" attribute, and format the keywords under it like you format keyword match types.
    • Use the "Target keyword text" attribute along with the "Target keyword match type" attribute, and specify the match type under "Target keyword match type." Learn more about match types

Third, enter your data and upload to Google Ads:

  1. Complete each row with the data you want the customizers to display.
    • Replace the sample data in rows 2 and 3.
    • Make sure any targeting columns match your keywords and/or the names of your campaigns and ad groups exactly, including spaces and capitalization.
    • For each column with a custom attribute, make sure to use an allowed type.
  2. Save your file in a .csv, .tsv, .xls, or .xlsx format. Your file can be as large as 50 MB for .xls or .xlsx and 500 MB for .csv and .tsv.
  3. Sign in to Google Ads at
  4. From the tools icon on the top right, select Business data on the right-hand side of the navigation bar.
  5. Click the blue +sign and choose "Ad customizer data."
  6. Name your data set.
    • The name you give your data set here is the name your customizers will reference.
    • Use a short name, with no spaces.
    • Don't use the same name as an old (removed) data set. Customizers that reference removed data sets won't work.
  7. Click UPLOAD.

Set up ad text with customizers

After you've created your ad customizer data following the steps above, you're ready to set up customizers in any text ad within your Search or Search with Display Select campaign. A customizer can show text from the data you've uploaded, or text from a function within your ad.

Before you begin

  • In order for Google Ads to show your customized ads, you need to either ensure any ads with customizers use default values or include a text ad without customizers in the same ad group.
  • Keep in mind character limits to avoid disapproval: make sure that the values that replace the customizers keep within the character limits.
  • Ads with customizers, like all other ads, must meet Google’s professional and editorial standards.


  1. As you create a text ad, include a customizer anywhere except for the final URL field.
    • Use the format {=DataSetName.AttributeName}.
    • If you've named your file "Mixers," for example, and want to reference a custom attribute called "Model (text)," your customizer would be {=Mixers.Model}. Note how the attribute type isn't included in the customizer.
    • See examples of how customizers look within ad text.
  2. Make sure to match the name of your ad customizer data and attributes exactly.
  3. Your customizers might cause your text to go over the character limits. This is fine, but make sure that the values that replace your customizers won't exceed the limit (otherwise, your customized ad won't show).
  4. Save your ad as usual.
  5. Make sure this ad falls within an ad group that also includes an ad (that is, an ad without any customizers). If the customized ad's ad group doesn't include an ad, Google Ads won't be able to show it.

Review your ad customizers

Once you've uploaded a file with ad customizer data, here are a couple of things to check:

Keep in mind

You cannot pause an ad customizer, but you can pause the ads that contain them or remove the data associated with them.

  • Pause the ads that contain them: Simply pause your ads as usual.
  • Remove the data associated with them: Remove any data that the customizers reference. If you have a customized ad targeted to 5 ad groups, for example, and want to pause the customizers in an ad group named "San Francisco," then you could remove the rows that target the "San Francisco" ad group.
  • If you remove the whole data set, you won't be able to re-start your customizers by uploading a new data set and naming it the same thing. Editing your data (rather than removing the whole data set) is a better option if you'd like your customizers to keep running.

Specs for customizer data

When creating or uploading ad customizer data, you can use attributes and language codes as needed to help create your ad customizers.

Language codes

Language Code
Arabic ar
Bulgarian bg
Catalan ca
Chinese (China) zh-CN
Chinese (Hong Kong) zh-HK
Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English (Australian) en-AU
English (UK) en-GB
English (US) en-US
Estonian et
Filipino fil
Finnish fi
French fr
German de
Greek el
Hebrew iw
Hindi hi
Hungarian hu
Indonesian id
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Malay ms
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian sr
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Spanish (Europe) es
Spanish (Latin America) es-419
Swedish sv
Thai th
Turkish tr
Ukranian uk
Vietnamese vi

Attribute types (for custom attributes)

Attribute type Commonly used for Characters allowed Example value
text ProductName Any letters, numbers, or symbols Hiking Shoes
number InventoryCount Any whole numbers 11
price Cost Any number (including decimals) and valid currency characters $24.99
date Timestamp yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss 2014/08/14 17:01:00

Standard attributes

Attribute Function Accepted values
Device preference Limits a row of data to ads that appear on smartphones (not tablets or computers) mobile or all
Scheduling The days and times of the week you want your ad customizer to be shown. Day, start time - end time. If you wanted to schedule from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, for example, you would enter Monday, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM. If you want to schedule for multiple days, separate your days with a semicolon. For example, you could schedule for both Monday and Tuesday using Monday, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Tuesday, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM.
Start date Starts serving the feed item on this date yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss (24 hour time)
End date Stops serving the feed item on this date yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss (24 hour time)
Custom ID Unique identifying value for a row of data. Google Ads gives each row a value called "Item ID," but you might like to create your own custom ID values that Google Ads can recognize. Any combination of letters and numbers
Target location restriction The type of targeting that's applied to the locations listed in "Target location." Physical location or an empty cell

Targeting attributes

Attribute Function Accepted values
Target keyword The keyword that should trigger this row. Keywords with match type punctuation formatting. (e.g. [flowers] for exact match). Match type formats
Target keyword text The keyword that should trigger this row. This keyword has a match type specified in the "Target keyword match type" column. Keywords without match type punctuation formatting.
Target keyword match type The match type you want applied to the corresponding keyword in the "Target keyword text" column. broad or phrase or exact
Target ad group The ad group this row's data should be used for. Existing ad group names
Target campaign The campaign this row's data should be used for. Existing campaign names
Target location The location that should trigger this row when it matches the user’s location or area of interest. The name of the location, in any language
Target location restriction The type of targeting that's applied to the locations listed in "Target location." Physical location or an empty cell


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* Nguồn: Google