Create a Lightbox ad


Lightbox ads responsively combine your ad assets -- like videos, image galleries, and maps -- to fill available ad spaces. Lightbox ads may contain multiple videos, image galleries, or combinations of these. This article explains how to set up and edit Lightbox ads. For a product overview, start with About Lightbox ads.

Setting up your campaign and bidding


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more


Lightbox ads show on Display Network-only campaigns with either the “Engage with your content” or “See your ad” marketing objectives. Selecting “Engage with your content” sets the bidding as cost-per-engagement (CPE). Selecting “See your ad” sets the bidding as viewable cost-per-thousand-impressions (vCPM).


Once your campaign is set up, you can build Lightbox ads by following these steps:

  1. In your AdWords account, click +Ad and select Ad Gallery.
  2. Select “Lightbox ads.”
  3. Select “Lightbox.”
  4. Choose one of these options:

    • If you’d like to begin with a bulk upload, click either Upload assets, Add YouTube video, or Scan website. You can still add other types of assets later. So, for example, if you select Scan website, you still can add videos, too, when you arrive at the template page.
    • To go directly to the template page, click Start with a template.
  5. On the template page, add text, images, and preferences on the left of the screen. See your changes in Preview on the right.
  6. Save your ads to send them for review. Once approved, your new Lightbox ads will start running.



* Nguồn: Google