Find new targeting opportunities in Google Ads


Follow these Google Ads targeting best practices as you think about expanding your Google Ads targeting. Dynamic Search Ads & automated tools in Google Ads can help you grow.

Use Dynamic Search Ads to streamline account management

You may be able to grow your business by expanding your targeting in Google Ads. There are a couple of key ways to think about expanding your targeting: Dynamic Search Ads & automated tools in Google Ads.


Dynamic Search Ads (Website targeting)

Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) offers an automated option for targeting. This can save you time, while providing an effective option for expanding reach. If you’re thinking about launching new markets, languages, countries or products, DSA also gives you a chance to test without the need to construct full campaigns.

Dynamic Search Ads automatically targets queries and generates customized headlines based on the content of your website, then delivers users to the appropriate landing page for each query. It can be run alongside (and doesn’t require any changes to) existing keyword campaigns.

Tools in Google Ads

The Keyword Planner provides a number of different venues for possible expansion.

Specify your product or service, your landing page or domain, or your product category in order to get a list of keyword suggestions. Remember to customize your targeting options to get the best possible volume estimates for your new keywords.


The Recommendations page is another venue for expansion. Look for new keywords or keywords that could expand their volume by broadening their match type.


3M, self-described as a global innovation company that never stops inventing, used Dynamic Search Ads to increase their speed to market for new products. Staying one step ahead of their own innovations, they used their site to generate their targeting for them, and saw a 3% lift in incremental sales and a 12% lift in CTR within eight weeks of launching DSA.


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* Nguồn: Google