Create effective text ads: Google Best Practices


Successful marketers need to deliver the right messaging for the right moment. Better creatives improve ad relevance and drive more qualified clicks from your text ads.


In this text ads guide for Google Ads, you’ll learn how to create compelling ads as people search on

1. Write compelling, genuine ad copy

  • Craft messaging that focuses on user benefits.

Why: Users respond to ads that speak to their needs.

  • Tie creatives to your keywords.

Why: Users tend to engage with ads that appear most relevant to their search.

  • Avoid generic language in your ads. Use specific calls to action.

Why: Generic calls to action often show decreased engagement with ads. 

  • Give people answers and avoid questions in text ads.

Why: People come to Google to find answers. Ad copy with a question in the headline often underperforms.

Read more about writing compelling, genuine ad copy.

2. Create ad text that appeals to users across devices

  • Focus on your headlines.

Why: The content and quality of your headlines matters and will determine how well your ads perform.

Get started: Edit your ad text to take full advantage.

Read more about creating ad text that’s appealing across devices.

3. Set up your ads for success

  • Implement all ad extensions that make sense for your business, trying for at least three.

Why: Ads with multiple extensions often perform better than ads with only one extension. They add useful info for searchers and help your message get noticed.

Get started: Learn about the various ad extensions and when to use them.

  • Use keyword insertion and ad customizers if you have a lot of ads to maintain.

Why: You can tailor your creative to a user’s search while reducing your management overhead, including in your URL navigation fields.

Get started: Set up keyword insertion and ad customizers in your ads.

Read more about setting your ads up for success.

4. Test and optimize creatives

  • Test and iterate your ad text.

Why: You can learn about your users’ preferences and improve your performance by honing ad text, especially your headlines.

Get started: Set up a campaign draft and experiment to test changes to a campaign.

  • Add 3-5 ads per ad group.

Why: Multiple versions give you more options to succeed in each auction. 

Get Started: Create a new text ad to give you more options for success in an auction

  • Focus your testing efforts on high-value campaigns.

Why: Prioritizing your testing efforts on the places that matter most will help you see the biggest improvements from testing.

  • Optimize your ad rotation to prefer the best performing ads

Why: Ads optimized to drive clicks can improve your competitiveness in auctions.

Get Started: Change the ad rotation setting for a campaign based on your business goal.

Read more about testing and optimizing creatives.


Tips for excellent Google Ads creatives:

  1. Optimize your ad rotation for clicks. Optimizing your ad rotation will allow the system to serve the ideal ad for the specific circumstances of each auction.
  2. Implement 3-5 ads per ad group. The more ads that are present in an ad group, the more options you’ll have for success in an auction.
  3. Implement at least 3 extensions for each campaign/ad group. At the time of each auction, your ad unit will be assembled with the most appealing extensions. More eligible extensions give your ads more opportunity to meet users’ specific needs.


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* Nguồn: Google