Enhance your ads with the right extensions: Google Best Practices


Ad extensions provide additional information and let people take action directly from the search results. Here are some tips on making your extensions as appealing as possible.


1. Understand the benefits of ad extensions in Google Ads

  • Enable all extensions that make sense for your business. 

Why: Ad extensions make ads more useful and engaging to users, and they get your ads additional clicks.

  • Control CPCs with your bids, not by removing extensions.

Why: You can often get the same number of clicks for less money by using ad extensions.

  • Make your extensions as relevant and high quality as possible. 

Why: Extensions are automatically chosen based on several factors, including previous performance, user context, and available space.

Get started: Optimize your extensions to give them the best possible chance of showing with your ads.

Read more about the benefits of ad extensions.

2. Manage your ad extensions in Google Ads

  • Know which ad extensions require upkeep and stay on top of them. 

Why: Some extensions are automated, but not all of them. Give yourself the best chance at success by implementing what you can.

Enable these ad extensions at the campaign (or even ad group) level

  • Sitelink extensions
    • Apply at least six per campaign for both mobile-preferred and standard - ten of each is even better so the system can rotate in the best ones for each auction
    • Include additional detail (especially for campaigns and keywords where you’re likely to appear on top of the results)
  • Call extensions
    • If your product offerings are different enough in value, consider setting up different phone numbers across those offerings
  • Callout extensions 
    • Try to enable four per ad group/campaign/account (two is the minimum to show)
    • Highlight key company attributes that are distinct from what is already mentioned in your ads/sitelinks
  • Structured snippets
    • Write shorter snippet values (think 12 characters or fewer) for campaigns that serve on mobile
    • Include as many relevant snippets as possible for each header

Enable these ad extensions at the account level

Some ad extensions show automatically if you qualify

Read more about managing your ad extensions.

3. Report on and improve your ad extensions in Google Ads

  • Monitor the coverage of your ad extensions.

Why: You won’t automatically receive impressions just because you’ve set up ad extensions.

Get started: Measure your ad extension performance in your account.

  • Learn what appeals to your customers based on the performance of your extensions. 

Why: Ad extensions are auto-optimized, but you can still review their performance. By seeing what drives CTR or conversion lifts, you can get insight into your customers.

Read more about improving your ad extensions.


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* Nguồn: Google